A Theology of Play – What does the Bible say about play and leisure? Is it true that Christians don’t want anyone to have fun? Some interesting thoughts to kick off your work week.
The Thud of Grace – A beautiful reflection on the woman who was caught in sin and what it must have been like to hear the stones thud to the ground.
Five Things You Can Do for the Unborn – John Piper gives us practical suggestions for what we can do on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable as we acknowledge the sanctity of human life.
Exposing the Dark Work of Abortion – Additionally, John Piper & Desiring God provide a short, free ebook to help readers speak out in defense of the sanctity of the life of the unborn.
Don’t Be Afraid to Pray “Whatever It Takes” – Do you refuse to pray for patience because you don’t want the situations that produce that fruit? John Bloom encourages us to pray for what God wants for us – even if we don’t eagerly look forward to the means by which it made be made manifest in our lives.
Do All Jobs Have the Same Value Impact? – Matt Perman shares with Tim Challies (and his readers) whether recognizing that jobs have different economic and moral value, can we also say that they have different impact value for the Kingdom?