You Never Marry the Right Person – A great excerpt of Timothy Keller’s new book The Meaning of Marriage (which was written with his wife, Kathy Keller). If the rest of the book is this good, it will be a great read.
Psalm 1: When Delight Overcomes Distraction – Over at Desiring God, Brian Tabb shares his thoughts about putting Psalm 1 into practice. This is especially encouraging in the busyness of the New Year.
What Does God Have to Do With Work? – Having trouble getting through your Friday work day? A video with some thoughts on how working demonstrates our love for God and love for others.
A Forgotten Text – Are Christians ignoring the call of Ephesians 5:12, and without shame speaking “of the things they do in secret”? Carl Trueman asks and responds to this question (H/T Justin Taylor)
Unexceptional Christians – Are you living the Beatitudes? Martyn Lloyd-Jones (via Tim Challies) reminds us that they are for every Christian not just the “exceptional” ones.