Bits & Pieces (6/26/12)

  • A Place Without Answers – God doesn’t always answer all of our queries, but we can still trust Him with the outcome.


  • Helpless Sacks of Sand – Tim Challies writes an interesting post about why we need sleep – and the daily reminder that our sleep pattern should be.


  • He Knows Me – A powerful excerpt from J.I. Packer on recognizing the importance of the fact that God knows me.


  • Since It Is Necessary, Use Words – Ed Stetzer does a good job of combatting the popular inclination to let our actions alone “preach the Gospel” and shares that “[t]he gospel is the declaration of something that actually happened. And since the gospel is the saving work of Jesus, it isn’t something we can do, but it is something we must announce. We do live out its implications, but if we are to make the gospel known, we will do so through words.


  • Silent Suffering – We are quick to rise to our own defense when we suffer injustice, but (perhaps more often than not) the Christian may be called to suffer without protestation, and there is good that can come from such an experience.