Bits & Pieces (6/4/12)

  • If Only – “The cry of “if only” is all too often a cry of distrust.  The seemingly harmless expression insists that we know best, that we know what is better, that we know what we need.”


  • The Fall – Tim Challies has a series of post describing essential terms in Christianity. This one defines the Fall.



  • Rooting Joy In Ministry Success  – Tony Reinke reminds us that Christ commanded His disciples to rejoice that their names were written in Heaven, not to find their joy in the success of their ministry efforts.


  • Boy Gives Two Trips Away – This is a heartwarming story of a young boy who traded until he got a trip to Disney World and then gave it away to a military family. When a news station wanted to reward him with a trip, he opted to give that one away too.


  • 30,000 Photos of Disneyland – If that last story wasn’t enough for Disney enthusiasts, here is 30,000 time-lapsed photos of Disneyland that were taken over a year’s time.