Bits & Pieces (7/3/12)

  • Free Books – This month, Christian Audio is giving away a novel in their free download of the month. The Sword can be downloaded by clicking here. Also, Logos’ free download of the month is Selected Sermons of George Whitefield which can be downloaded here.

    • More Solid Than Fear – “Like children with bread holding onto what gives us life, Jesus offers peace in uncertainty, mercy in brokenness, something solid when all is lost. He speaks of peace can that transcend understanding when we cling to the one who gives us life.”




    • What If – This post is written from the perspective of a stay-at-home mom who wonders what would have happened if she had stayed in the workforce, however, it serves as a powerful reminder for all Christians that our identity is to be found in Christ, not our occupation.


    • Galatians in 30 Tweets – Desiring God has a series of posts summarizing books of the Bible in a set number of tweets. Here is their easy-to-tweet summary of Galatians.