Bits & Pieces (Weekend Edition)

  • Like Water to a Plant – We all need words of encouragement. This post reminds husbands specifically of how a timely for can lift their wife’s soul.


  • What to do if you feel overwhelmed – Jon Bloom at Desiring God reminds us that “Fear is an indicator that our soul is hungry for hope. And the only foods that will really nourish and sustain the soul are God’s promises.”



  • How God Works – Over at girltalk they provide a quotation from Ligon Duncan’s Together for the Gospel 2012 talk, and it’s a great one. It includes this beauty: “[God] is working for your joy and your good even when you cannot perceive it and have ceased to be able to feel anything anymore.”


  • The Secret of Contentment – ” Contentment does not come naturally to the sinful human heart. We need God’s grace to strengthen us and to change our hearts. But we also have the responsibility to learn contentment. It requires effort.”


  • Represent! – “Christ represents us in heaven; we represent him on earth.”