Secondly, as the time draws near for us to go, I’m reminded again of the need for prayer. Throughout this process I have repeatedly said that my greatest responsibility is to the five students that God has entrusted to me while we are away. It is my heart’s desire that this journey would be used to accomplish His purposes in their lives, and in the lives of those that are around them. I can only imagine all the discipleship opportunities that exist as we are with each other for weeks straight and deeply engaged in ministry. Please lift us up. Pray not only for safety and that much would be accomplished during our time away, but that our Father would continue to work in each student’s life to guide and direct their steps and to use them for the purposes of His Kingdom.
Lastly, I share this with you because I simply want you to know that it is happening. There has been much that has been written, and that will be written, about this generation of young people. There are many who shake their heads and have serious misgivings about this generation’s ability to think beyond themselves. I want you to know that hundreds of them are giving up parts of their summer in order to minister to others. I want you to know that many of them are considering how God may call them to give up their comforts and conveniences in order to live full-time in a nation where they will be marginalized and persecuted. I want you to know that they care.
This past weekend each team participated in our largest collective fundraiser. During this evening event, the audience saw eighteen presentations that told the story of where the groups were going, what they’ll be doing, and ultimately Whom they serve. As I reflect back on the evening, it can be encapsulated in this – we go because although the task may be daunting, the numbers are overwhelming, and the need is great, we are not without Hope. Because of the Hope we have in Christ, we have hope for what He will accomplish in the nations. Because of the love we have for Christ, we will share His heart for those who have not heard.
(PS – Although my expenses have been covered (2 Thess. 3:7-9 ), my team is still raising funds. If you would like to support the team financially, please click here, and then click on the link to “proceed to the online giving form.” You can select “Service Projects -ISP/USP/SOS” from the drop down menu, and put “Central Asia-Business” in the comments section for the funds to go to our team. Thank you!)