
There are a lot of things with which we occupy ourselves. We have recreational activities, church activities and time with friends. We have family obligations, family drama and family celebrations. We make plans, adjust plans, and throw plans out the window. We want to invest time in improving our health, improving our finances and improving ourselves. There is no shortage of reasons for which we are busy.

Yet all of the things that can occupy our time and attention often crowds out that which should be our focus. Consider Paul for instance. When Timothy and Silas rejoined him in Macadonia they could have found him distracted by numerous things. Yet what they found was that he was “occupied with the word” (Acts 18:5). His primary attention was on proclaiming God’s Word to other, which meant he had to know God’s Word himself. He didn’t let the events of the day or the politics of the region consume him; he was instead consumed by the Word of his living Lord.

It’s a convicting thing for us to consider. If someone were to come across us on any given day, what would they say occupied our thoughts and attention? Would it be the things of God or would it be the temporary inconveniences and troubles of this life? Would our mind be fixed on eternity or would it be focused on building as much earthly joy as we could? Would we be occupied with the Word or consumed by the words, thoughts and opinions of others? What and Who would be the focus of our attention?

May increasingly what we’re occupied with be the same as what Paul was.