The Most Precious Treasures – Jon Bloom reminds us of an important insight from Hebrews 11 regarding how God redeems the most difficult times to bring out the most precious treasures.
Already, and Not Yet -“The gospel bids us look back to what God has done in Christ on the cross and out of the tomb for his own glory and for us. “I have loved you” this says to troubled, sinful souls. And he bids us in the gospel to look forward to the blessed hope of Christ’s glorious return, our gathering together to him, our resurrection, our placement in an eternal wonderland where there are no more problems and we are delivered out of sin for good.”
Should Christians Pay Taxes – If taxes are going to be used to fund immoral activities (in this case, abortion in particular) should Christians refuse to pay them? R.C. Sproul, Jr. takes a look at this question and reminds us that because the state (or anyone else) fails to do what God has called them to do, doesn’t obliterate my call to do what God requires of me.
Asking Jesus into Your Heart – This is a very informative article regarding the history of the phrase “asking Jesus into your heart” and the possible dangers of its overuse. (H/T)
Being My Husband’s Helper – I loved this post about the often-maligned idea of being my husband’s helper, and the reminder that “once a woman marries, she has a great opportunity and responsibility to bring all of her experience, education, skills, personality traits and giftings to the table for the benefit of her husband and family — and by extension, many others.” (H/T)