
Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. – 2 Timothy 2:10

In 2 Timothy 2:10 Paul writes about what he has gone through for the benefit of fellow Christians. Specifically he states that he “endured everything for the sake of the elect.” This bears emphasizing. Paul went through everything – for the good of his brothers and sisters in Christ. He endured sickness, derision, persecution, death threats, shipwrecks, beatings, and more because of his desire to do whatever was necessary to serve God and the ones that God had called to Himself. There was nothing that he held back out of love for God and His kids.

The previous verses make it clear why Paul was willing to sacrifice so much (2 Timothy 2:1-9). Because of the sacrifice that Christ made for him and Paul’s confidence that God would use his suffering to spread the Gospel, he willingly endured whatever God called him to.

Fellow Christians – would we be able to say the same? Are we willing to do whatever it takes to show the love of God to His children? Would we endure any derision, heartache, pain, or inconvenience for the sake of our brothers and sisters in Christ? Are we committed to the spread of the Gospel regardless of the personal costs?

May we increasingly be able to answer in the affirmative. May we look back on each day and say that we were willing to do whatever was necessary so that the members of God’s family would know and love Him more. May what we have and who we are be used to spread the Good News of Jesus. May we be able to join with Paul and say that we would do anything and give everything for the sake of God’s elect.