Praying for All Things

One of the things that I have been convicted of lately is my tendency to pray about “the big things” but to act as if I have the little things covered. Of course, in a single day there are numerous attestations that life is very much not in my control, but sometimes my prayer life does not reflect this same realization. I will pray fervently when I or someone I know is facing a crisis, but think I have the solution to a frustrating work situation or a difficult relationship. This is foolishness. First, because God is sovereign over all – not me. Second, because He loves me and like any good Father – He cares about the big and the small things in my life. And third – His ways are not my ways, and His thoughts are not mine (Isaiah 55:8-9). When I bring my concerns – both large and small to Him – it helps ensure that increasingly I am aligning my life with His perspective, not trying to compel Him to bless mine.

Another reason it is so good to pray about everything is because as God answers those big and small prayers, we have increasing reasons to give Him thanks. A while ago, a coworker told me about a situation and rather than trying to come up with a solution, we agreed that we needed to pray. When I was done with my next class, God had already provided the answer! If we had stressed and worried about it, God may have still orchestrated the same outcome, but we would have missed the opportunity to thank Him for hearing our prayers and answering so quickly. What a kind God we serve!

I don’t know what thoughts and worries are weighing on your mind today, beloved child of God, but I know the One who does. Let me encourage you – whether BIG or small – lay it all at His feet. Then watch Him work – in you, through you, and around you. And as He graciously answers those prayers, let’s remember to give Him thanks.