Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” – Psalm 16:1-2
When we think about what is good in our lives, I think most Christians would be quick to acknowledge that God is the highest good. He is the standard for all good things; there is nothing and no one that is greater or better than Him.
While it is good to recognize this truth, we should also recognize that our experience of any goodness totally depends on God. He determines what is good and He is the Source from which any other good thing comes. As James 1:17 tells us “every good and perfect gift” is from Him. No aspect of goodness that we experience is divorced from God. He both defines and provides goodness in our lives. How sweet and precious it is, then, that He promises that anything that is for our good, He will graciously give to those who follow Him (Ps. 84:11). What a kindness and mercy of our good God!