A Good Word

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and there are certainly times that this is true. Unfortunately, this catchy phrase can sometimes downplay the importance of words. You may not be able to adequately capture beauty or awe with words alone, but a picture is a more substitute for words when comfort or wisdom is needed.

Proverbs 12:25 pointedly makes it clear the positive impact that the right words can have. It states, “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad” Of course if we want our words to make others glad, we have to know how to bring a “good word.” To do so, three things are needed

Know the Word

If we want to bring people a good word, we have to know the source of all good words – the Word of God. Any time we can bring the Truth of Scripture into a situation, we can be assured that the words we speak will have an impact. In order to do this easily and naturally, we need to know what the Bible says. It will be difficult to use Scripture to bring others comfort, or to help them see things from a godly perspective, if we aren’t intimately familiar with what the Bible teaches. We need to know the Word in order to bring the Word and if we want our help lessen the burden of others through encouragement and truth, we must make studying and memorizing Scripture a top priority.

Know What Would Be Good

Knowing well the goodness of Scripture will surely help us bring good words to heavy hearts. However, we also need to know the people we are talking to and attempt to understand the particulars of a situation to know what would be good at that specific time. For example, knowing that the wages of sin is death is true and biblical (Rm. 3:23), but it may not be the best piece of Scripture to bring forth in the midst of someone’s grief. Scripture tells us to be quick to listen and slow to speak (James 1:19) and it is good that we apply this principle in moments where we hope our words will provide some relief. If we are too eager to say our piece, we may neglect to truly consider what is good for the other person at that moment. Just because something is true doesn’t mean that it is the best thing to say in any particular situation. We should speak truth, but all truth is not equally helpful at every time. Slow down and prayerfully consider what, if anything, is the best thing to say to the person whose heart is heavy. Doing so increases the likelihood that the words you speak will uplift, and not further discourage, them.

Be Bold, With Love

The danger in writing that we should be careful to only say what is good for a particular occasion is that someone may interpret this to mean that we should only say things that the worrier wants to hear. However, that is not the case. Our care for the other person should not prevent from speaking what they need to hear, even if it is not what they want to hear. We need to define what is “good” not based on their preferences but based on what God calls good. And sometimes, God may call us to deliver hard truth that is painful in the moment but is ultimately used for good in the life of the person we are speaking to.

This is why it is so important that our motivation for speaking is love. First and foremost, we need to make sure that our love for God motivates us to set aside our own pride so that instead of saying what we want, we say what He wants. Additionally, genuine love for the other person will restrain us from saying true, but unhelpful things, and will compel us to say difficult but beneficial words.  Be bold if you need to. But make sure your boldness is rooted in love

Make Others Glad

We all like to be around people who make us glad. It is a blessing to be in the company of those who encourage us, who help to lessen our burdens and who love us enough to speak the truth in love. May we be these kind of people to those who God has placed in our lives. And as we do so, may we help to bring the Truth of Scripture to bear upon every situation we encounter.

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Grieving With Grace

As I previously wrote about, recently one of my dear friends was welcomed into Heaven much sooner than any of us expected. I miss my friend immensely, and while I am not unaccustomed to grief, because his wife is also one of my closest friends, this particular experience is doubly piercing; I grieve my friend’s departure, and I weep over the great loss that his wife endures. And yet, even as I mourn with her, I am comforted by the fact that her faith has not been shaken. She recognizes that God was not surprised when her husband entered into eternity, and while we were not expecting this turn of events, God is good; God has a plan; and it is our continued job to follow Him. In the midst of her pain, she is not clinging to how she thought her life would be, but is holding fast to the One who will give her everything that she needs. In the throes of grief, she is gripping on to grace. And as she does so, she has taught me a lot about what it means to mourn in a way that honors God. When it comes our turn to contend with suffering and pain, here are four things we should seek to do to ensure that amidst our heartache, we glorify our King:

Look To Jesus

From the day her husband went home to be with Jesus, my friend has fixed her eyes on their Savior. While she recognizes that the road ahead will be filled with challenges and difficulties, she has confidence that God will see her through them. In the moments of sorrow, she has leaned on Him. In the moments of need, she has rested in Who He is. When the path seems uncertain, she has relied on His wisdom to get her through it. It is no surprise that one of her favorite hymns is “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” because that is what she has consistently done. And this is what we should do. Whether in times of grief, or in times of goodness, our hearts and our minds should be fixated on our Savior and King. We need to look to Jesus to be all that we need, because, whether we have great need or great abundance, it is only in Him that we have everything.  We need to train ourselves to look to Jesus in the day-to-day so when the moments of trial come, it is our automatic response to turn our eyes upon Him.

Give Others Grace

Everyone I know who has experienced sudden loss can tell stories of the silly and seemingly thoughtless things that others have said and done. With good intentions, people will make comments that in the moment seem extremely insensitive. Time and time again, my friend has extended grace to others when they say or do things that make me cringe. She recognizes that they mean well, and that few people know how to artfully navigate this road. She knows that they do not intend to cause her further pain and she chooses to extend them forgiveness and love, even if they don’t realize that they need it.

Of course this is a lesson that goes beyond seasons of grief. We would all probably do well to extend others more grace – to view their actions with the best of intentions rather than with the worse. This is what we would want others to do for us. And choosing to overlook an offense, is one way that we can bring God glory even amidst our pain.

Point to Jesus

On the evening that her husband went Home to be with Jesus, my friend and I sat around her kitchen table chatting. As we did, she quickly recognized one of the ways that she had experienced God’s mercy that very day. As she walks the path of grief with her kids, she repeatedly directs their thoughts and their minds to Christ. Not only is she looking to Jesus, but through her words and her actions she is encouraging others to do the same. She is deflecting the focus off of her and onto the One who is her comfort and her strength.

While it may seem like it takes a “super-Christian” to do this, I have observed that pointing people to Christ is simply a matter of recognizing how He is providing and clearly articulating the goodness that we have experienced from His hands.  People pay attention to us when we are in pain and the last thing that a lost world expects us to do is to give Christ glory in the midst of our suffering. When we do so, when we purposefully catalog His daily mercies, we can prayerfully hope that this will encourage others to see His goodness in their own lives as well.

Lean on the Body of Christ

Sometimes when we are going through pain, we are tempted to become insular as we wrestle with our grief. However, if we are part of the body of Christ, this is the time that we should be leaning on our brothers and sisters in Christ. One of the reasons God called us to be a part of local body of believers is because He knew that we would need them to be His hands and feet in our moments of need. It can be humbling to lean on others, but this is the role of the body of Christ.

One of the things that I admire most about my friend is that she was quick to accept offers of help. Although normally she is  quite capable of doing all that needs to be done, she realized that not only did she need others’ love and support, but by accepting it, she was helping them as they grieve her husband’s passing. In other words, she was being a blessing to others by allowing them to bless her. This may seem counter-intuitive but I had a front row seat to watching it occur. While we may be prone to do things on our own and refuse offers of assistance, we would be wise to remember that this is not how God has called our brothers and sisters to respond to our needs. We should let our family in Christ help us because in doing so, they are being obedient to God’s command to serve others in love.  And when we are willing to accept the help of others, they are more likely to accept our help when they are in seasons of challenge and pain.


Graceful Strength

As my friend mourns her husband’s passing, many people have commented on her strength. She would be the first to tell you that the strength she exhibits is not her own. Instead, she is firmly reliant upon the goodness and the provision of Jesus Christ. And on any given day, if you ask her how she is doing, she will likely tell you that she is doing good – not because she doesn’t miss her husband, but because she knows the One who is the Giver of all good things and she trusts that she is still firmly in His grasp. She experienced God’s kindness when He redeemed her, and amidst this great pain, His kindness remains. And because she not only recognizes this, but is grateful for it, she is putting God’s grace on display even as she grieves.

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