Total Dependence


A few weeks ago, we brought our first-born home from the hospital. For those readers who are parents, you know that there is nothing quite like those early days of parenthood. As I reflect back on the first two weeks of having our child at home, I am startled by how much time was spent preparing for the process of giving birth contrasted with the preparation for when the child actually arrives. Although I gave birth without the benefits of an epidural or other pain medications, I think that process was far less challenging than those first couple weeks at home. Life changes in radical, and for me, unanticipated ways when a child is added to your family. Adjusting to those changes is well worth the reward, but the adjustments are difficult nonetheless.

For me, the biggest challenge was the recognition that this little person was totally dependent on me. Because we have chosen to provide nourishment for our child through nursing, I was on call 24-7 if she was hungry. Two-week olds don’t really understand their momma’s need for a schedule or structure, and so their demand for food isn’t contingent on the convenience of providing it. Similarly, their sleeping patterns are not formed as a function of how much or how little sleep their parents are used to getting.  Providing everything this little life needs is time-consuming and exhausting, and there appears to be little appreciation on the child’s part for doing so.

Yet, as I ponder these things, I can’t help but learned from my little one. After all, while it seems that she is completely dependent upon me, in reality, the both of us are completely dependent upon God (Acts 17:28). If I were to emulate in my relationship with God the trust and assurance that she displays towards me, not only would be relationship with Him be deeper and stronger, but I would be more steadfast as I walk the path that He has prepared for me. If I were to turn to Him as quickly as my hungry child turns to me, I would be better equipped to do the work to which He has called me. Instead, I’m afraid that I am quick to mirror my child’s seemingly lack of appreciation, while ignoring the other lessons that her dependence illustrates.

The goal for my child is that one day she will outgrow her dependence on me. It is our hope that she will one day be able to feed, provide and take care of herself and her ability to do so will be a mark of her maturity. For the Christian, the exact opposite is true. A mark of maturity is their increasing dependence upon their heavenly Father. As we do so, not only do we become like little children (Mt. 18:3), but we increasingly walk as Jesus did (I John 2:6; John 5:19).

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On the Edge of Eternity

We’ve all heard of those moments where someone’s life flashes before their eyes. They get an unexpected diagnosis or providentially escape from what seems like a certain accident, and they realize that what they have been living for is not nearly as significant as what they should be living for. It’s in those moments that people began to count the costs of their decisions, to question whether their quest for temporal success and accolades are worth the sacrifices and compromises that they have made.

Christians, however, shouldn’t wait until those near-miss moments in order to consider whether their lives are focused on the right things, on the eternal things.  As A.W. Tozer reminds us:

We who live in this nervous age would be wise to meditate on our lives and our days long and often before the face of God and on the edge of eternity. For we are made for eternity as surely as we are made for time, and as responsible moral beings we must deal with both.

In other words, as much as we are apt to spend considerable time and effort dealing with the cares and concerns of this present age, we should spend at least equal time contemplating our lives in light of God’s perspective. Our lives are one unexpected moment away from standing before our Creator. We would be wise to not only recognize that fact, but to make choices and decisions accordingly.

We live on the edge of eternity. The question is – do our calendars, cares, and character reflect that fact?

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