Pointing Towards Him

One of the common charges leveled against Christians is that we are hypocrites. People hear us espouse the high standards of God and see how we deviate from those standards and the charge of “hypocrisy” is made as if it were a death blow. And I suppose there is a reason that many people consider this a closing argument. Jesus was quick to condemn hypocrisy in the Pharisees (Mt. 23:27-28) and we are quick to recognize its presence in the lives of others. Of course I know no one, Christian or not, who lives completely in sync with the standards they articulate. This does not make hypocrisy right; it is a condition of our fallen world. One of the things that believers can look forward to in Heaven is hypocrisy’s complete obliteration.

However, I think the reason that the charge of hypocrisy has taken on such force is that sometimes we are reticent to recognize when the charge is rightly levy. Christians, just like most people, want to believe that they live their lives consistent with the values that they espouse. The fact that we don’t sometimes doesn’t mean we aren’t Christians; it means that we are sinners, saved by grace, who are committed to increasingly living lives in keeping with what God has commanded. One indication of Christian commitment comes in repenting and turning from the sin of hypocrisy when we recognize it in ourselves. Perhaps the watching world could learn more from a truly repentant heart, then from a deft, but misplaced, defense. 

However, we must also recognize that oftentimes the reason the charge carries such a powerful strike is because we have taken for ourselves the glory that rightly belongs to Christ. When things are going well, we pridefully think that is through our own power and goodness that we are able to live according to His standards. So instead, of pointing others to Him, we garner the accolades for ourselves. Because we haven’t made it a practice to point towards Him during the good times, it seems disingenuous to do so in the bad. Yet, this is exactly what we should be doing – pointing others to Him. We know that we aren’t perfectly faithful; we know that He is. We won’t always respond in the most just and loving manner; He will. The reason that we are so quick to fight the charge of hypocrisy may not be because it is untrue, but because we want to defend our own honor and pride. However, that isn’t where our loyalties should lie. Our concern should be representing well the name of Jesus. Whether we are living obedient lives, or whether we have sinned, our response should be to point people to Him. In the former instance, we do so as evidence of the reason we are able to live according to His standards. In the latter, in recognition of His grace and power that forgives and sanctifies His children.

When we look to others as the determinant of our understanding of God, they will always fail in comparison to Him. Similarly, if we set ourselves up as the standard, our representation will eventually falter, compromising others’ view of God. That is why Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (I Cor. 11:1). The standard was Christ. They were to look at Paul’s life and imitate what aligned with the standard. No one can imitate Christ completely, but may the saints increasingly live lives that conform to His!

So the next time the accusation of hypocrisy is made, we would do well to look at our own lives and see if the charge is true. If it is, we should point people towards the faithfulness and forgiveness of God, repenting of our own failure to live according to His standards. If it is not, we should still point people towards the faithfulness of God, acknowledging that it is only be His grace that we are able to live in any way that pleases Him.

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Holding Fast

Hot Glue Gun.  Hot Glue Adhesive Tool.  Used, includes dirt and marks.

Recently I was reminded of the old adage that if something is worth doing, it is worth doing right the first time. Correcting a project after the fact is often a lot more painful and time-consuming then if it had been done the right way to begin with. Take our shower door for instance. Whenever the person who installed it did so, they weren’t careful with the adhesive that holds the door in place. In short, they got it all over the place. Because the glue is regularly exposed to water, it creates a breeding ground for bacteria and other stuff that I prefer not be in my shower. If I want my shower to be clean (and I do), it means I must painstakingly remove the excess glue.

However, as you might imagine, the glue that holds the shower door in place is not easily removed. Because I also would like my shower door to remain affixed, I am glad for that. It is difficult to separate the adhesive from the wall where it doesn’t belong. I can only imagine the difficult of separating it from the door, where it does.

In the history of the kings of Israel, King Hezekiah is described as a man who “held fast to the Lord” (2 Kings 16:8). Much like the glue around my shower door strongly affixes to anything in which it comes into contact, King Hezekiah was affixed on the principles of God. Scripture says that he “did not depart from following” God, “but kept the commandments that the Lord commanded Moses” (2 Kings 16:8). He was secured by the Word of God. He did what it said and remained faithful to the Lord and His commands.

One might think that this was to be expected for the the kings of Israel, yet historically this wasn’t the case. King Hezekiah was preceded and followed by kings who did not hold fast to the Lord. Instead, they were swayed by the norms of the culture, their own desires, and many other temptations that distracted them from keeping the Word of God. They were not anchored by the Truth of God’s Word and instead were tossed about by the momentary pleasures and troubles of their day.

The same temptations face us even today. As the Parable of the Sower indicates, many people will claim to follow Christ only to  have their affection choked out by the cares and worries of this world. Those who will be faithful are those that will hold fast to Him and to His instructions. Just like a plant needs to be rooted in order to flourish, so we must be rooted in Scripture in order to grow in Christ.

As the glue in my shower illustrates, it is easy to be stuck to the wrong things. Removing our hold on the cares of this world can be a difficult process. King Hezekiah, however, learned the importance of holding fast to what was most important, and he therefore was able to lead Israel in a way that pleased the Lord. May we follow this example and may we remain affixed to God and His Word.

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