Tell His Deeds

Psalm 9:11 exhorts its readers thusly:

Sing praises to the LORD, who sits enthroned in Zion!
Tell among the peoples his deeds!


Most of us who regularly attend church services probably accomplish the first half of this statement pretty well, at least once a week. We are used to structure times of singing where the purpose is to give praise to the Lord.  I wonder how often though we practice the second half of this verse? Are we regularly telling others of God’s deeds? Or are we content to let our public praise of our great God and King be limited to Sunday morning worship songs?

Perhaps we are reluctant to wholeheartedly embrace this action because we think that we don’t know how to tell others of the work that God is doing. I have found that it is deceptively easy to do so. The other day I was visiting the cemetery where we buried my dad’s body. Every week the cemetery staff picks up flowers, pinwheels, flags and other paraphernalia that are used to “accessorize” the grave markers of the dead. As I pulled up to the location where all these are placed after they are removed from the grounds, there was a lady who was already there. For some reason, she started chatting with me about the sometimes unfortunate occurrence of other people taking items that did not belong to them. This started a brief conversation about the reasons that we were at the cemetery to begin with. As I shared with her that my dad was buried there and quickly recounted some of the circumstances regarding his Heavenly homecoming, I had the opportunity to share about God’s faithfulness to our family. It wasn’t eloquent nor was it drawn out, but the attribution to our Father was made. I realized afterwards that it was a similar approach that I would have used if I was talking to someone at church, where we are often more rapid about giving praise to our King. It was just in this instance, I had the conversation without knowing what the other person’s beliefs were.

I don’t know how God used that momentary encounter in the life of the woman I was conversing with, but I do know how He used it in my life. It was a reminder that the work of His hands should be the subject of my words on far more occasions than it currently is. Regardless of the setting or whom I am talking to, I can be telling His deeds among the peoples. After all, He has been so gracious and generous, there is plenty of stores to share, occasions to recount, and praise to be given. If only I am willing to do so.

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Stop & Pray


Prayer is a subject that we often talk about, but rarely study. Perhaps this is because many of us have been familiar with the concept of prayer since we were young, and like walking or eating we feel that it should come naturally. In a sense it does – even people who don’t acknowledge a relationship with God have been known to shout out to Him in a moment of despair. But developing a life that is rich in prayer is an entirely different story. Unfortunately, many of us are willing to settle for the momentary pleas of our youth rather than developing the habit of “pray[ing[ without ceasing” as Scripture commands (I Thess. 5:17).

One of the most instructive lessons on prayer for me, is about a time when it was lacking. The Israelites, led by Joshua, had been conquerering many of the nations that surrounded them. Word about their conquests had spread and other nations were fearful of their eventual destruction at the Israelites’ hands. The Gibeonites decided to try to trick the Israelites into making a treaty with them by pretending that they lived far away, even though in reality they lived close. Disguising themselves as people who had made a long journey, the Gibeonites make their case to the Israeliltes, and the Israelites foolishly agree to a pact of peace. As Joshua 9 describes the exchange these haunting words are recorded, “but [the Israelites] did not take counsel from the Lord” (Josh. 9:14b).

It’s easy to understand how the Israelites found themselves in this predicament. They were presented with an opportunity and the wise course of action seemed readily apparent. There wasn’t confusion about the most strategic move, or any noted disagreement about the leaders about the best action to take. From all external appearance, their decision made sense. Except they forgot that appearances don’t always tell the whole story. Instead of relying on the wisdom of a God who knows all and is sovereign over all, they trusted their own instincts. And their instincts, while perhaps sharply honed, were wrong.

Yet we are often tempted to do the same. When we are racked with uncertainty we are quick to bring our requests before God. When a decision seems “easy” or “instinctive” – we quickly proceed based on our own understanding. What we should do instead is learn a lesson from the Israelites’ mistake. We should stop and pray when we recognize our lack of knowledge, yes, but we should also do it when we already think we know the way. God may confirm our initial inclination or He may reveal something of which we were unaware – either way, it would be better to seek His wisdom then to simply rely on our own.

This can be a hard practice to institute. As a general rule, people desire certainty, so when we think we have it, we are reluctant to give it up in order to seek God’s perspective. However, as the Israelites learned, not doing so can have some serious consequences. Conversely, doing so not only provides assurance in the particular situation we face, but deepens our trust and reliance on God for future decisions as well. Additionally, our prayer life will be enriched as we regularly bring ourselves before God to seek His perspective.

Stop and pray. Easy to say, but often difficult to do. As you face circumstances and decisions today, will you?

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