

We’ve all probably been the victim of the telephone game. Someone starts a rumor and before its veracity can be obtained, other people have heard it and passed it on. By the time that we are aware of it, our ability to combat it is limited. This is made all the more difficult if there is any truth to the rumor. After all, something that has believability is more likely to spread than something that is outrightly laughable. Getting the whole truth out, however, can seem like a surmountable task.

Despite our familiarity with being on the wrong side of a quickly spreading falsehood, we are often far too eager to believe the news we hear with our own ears. We are told of the poor treatment that one person received at the hands of another and we are eager to offer our sympathy and advice. We form opinions of others based on the information we receive from third-parties, even to the extent that we may “dislike” someone with whom we have never interacted. We defend positions and take sides even when it’s only one person’s story that we’ve heard.

The Bible warns against this. In Proverbs 18:17 it states:

The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.

A story’s veracity seems plausible until we hear the other side of it. Rather than solidifying our positions based on someone else’s words and experiences, we would be wise to withhold judgement until we have a fuller picture.

If we think about it – we have experience the wisdom of this in our everyday lives. Whether it’s listening to a news story be corrected because the reporter initially got the facts wrong, or coming into contact with someone that we previously “disliked” only to discover the richness of their character and convictions, we know from experience that while first impressions may be powerful, their long-term accuracy leaves a lot to be desired. Using discernment to know when to form our opinions can be just as important as using discernment to evaluate how they should be formed. “Rushing to judgment” rarely serves anyone well.

The one exception that must be noted is if something is done that is a clear violation of God’s standards. We can have confidence to evaluate those actions by the directives of His Words as we know that HIs perspective on such behavior will not change with time. However, unless we are witness to it or the person who committed the act tells it to us themselves, we would be wise to refer back to Proverbs and recognize that what we hear from another is rarely a reliable description of what truly occurred.

Let us commit then not to be one-sided arbitrators. Instead, may we exercise discernment and discretion, recognizing that there is a reason that hindsight is so frequently extolled.

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Standing on Shoulders


When I was in high school, I was given an in-class assignment to list three people who were instrumental in my spiritual growth. Along with acknowledging who these individuals were, I was to provide the reason why they impacted me – what I learned from them, in what area(s) they had mentored me, or how my spiritual life had changed as a result of our interaction. It was a quick, yet meaningful exercise. Taking a few moments to think about those that have invested in our lives – sometimes in ways that even they are unaware of – helps us realize that God is not just working in us to accomplish HIs purposes, He often uses others to bring them about. We did not get to this place in our spiritual development on our own; He graciously caused our lives to intersect with others who would teach us things about Him, and ourselves, that would result in a closer walk with God.

Yet often, we fail to really think through who these individuals are. While we may express gratitude in a specific moment of time for wise words of advice, or a thoughtful act, we rarely stop to think about how God has used these small gestures to bring us into closer communion with Him. We recognize the momentary impact, but not the eternal one. Yet regularly pausing to think through who God is using in our lives, and to what aim, is important for at least three reasons:

1) It reminds us that our Christian life is not meant to be lived out in isolation.

Contemplating who God is using in our lives brings one thing clearly into focus – the Christian life is not meant to be lived out in isolation. If it was, God wouldn’t choose to use others in order to accomplish HIs purposes in our lives. In fact, He doesn’t need to – this is a conscious act of grace on His part to allow others the opportunity to participate in the spiritual development of His children. He could have just as easily chosen to work through an individual without the participation of a godly community; but more frequently than we acknowledge, He instead uses others. Acknowledging this should remind us that God does not intend for His children to be islands; He commands and expects that they are involved in each other’s lives (Heb. 10:25; Eph. 4:16) .

2) It prompts us to express gratitude to those who – whether aware or not – have been used by God to accomplish a work in our lives.

Sometimes people are very intentional in mentoring others in the faith. Paul had this type of relationship with Timothy. Paul was consistent and purposeful in the instructions he gave Timothy and he regularly invested in Timothy’s life. It is appropriate for Timothy, or others like him, to gratefully acknowledge the sacrifice of those who are mentoring them. A mentoring relationship is not without its costs to the one who mentors, and expressing appreciation for their willingness to do so will likely be an encouragement to them and may be used by God in their own lives to help motivate their ongoing obedience.

However, there are often times that God uses someone in our lives and they are not even aware of the impact that they had. Perhaps we witnessed how someone responded graciously to a difficult situation or we have grown as a result of the biblical teaching of another. These individuals may not know that their biblical obedience is being used by God to motivate our own obedience to Christ. Tell them so. Not in order to flatter them (Prov. 29:5; 26:28)  but to give praise for the work God is doing in their lives and to encourage them to keep on fighting the good fight of faith (I Tim. 6:12).

3) To seek to be the type of person that God can use to bring about spiritual development in the lives of others.

When we acknowledge how God has used others in our lives, it should motivate us to be the type of person that God is using in the lives of others. Scripture is replete with exhortations that demonstrate this is God’s design for the Church (Titus 22 Tim. 2:2, I Cor. 12:12-31; Rom. 12:5) and we should desire to participate in the work that God is doing. Sometimes this may be in formal, mentoring relationships, but other times it may be through our humble and consistent obedience to God and His Word. We should strive to live lives that say “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” (See I Cor. 11:1) and be grateful that God may use our obedience to draw others to Him.


In secular circles it is often popular to acknowledge, when a particular feat is accomplished, that it was done by “standing on the shoulders of giants” In other words, very little is achieved simply by one person’s act alone. In our spiritual walk, we too are often standing on the shoulders of giants – people who humbly and graciously persevered in the faith even when they may not be aware that anyone was watching. Let us express our gratitude to God, and to them, for the way that they were used in our lives. And let us seek to live lives that can be described in the same way.


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