No Greater Debt

Spend some time on an elementary school playground and you will likely hear some intense negotiations happening. Whether it’s for lunch trades or picking dodgeball teams, young children are intent on striking a balance between what they give and what they receive. It doesn’t take them long to recognize a perceived inequity and most of them will do something to correct it if the slight is to their disadvantage.

It’s a mindset that we often carry with us well pass our days on the playground. “You need to get what’s yours” and “don’t let anyone walk all over you” are common refrains. However, the Christian is called to have a different stance. “Turn the other cheek” and “if someone forces you to go with them one mile go with them two” are to be part of our parlance (See Mt. 5:38-42). Keeping accounts balanced looks much different for us – for the greatest inequity has already been wiped clean; the depth of our debt towards Christ has been settled. We therefore have no need to keep score with others; the one who knows and appreciates true forgiveness of our eternal errors, sees no reason to keep a balance with anyone else.

This is why Scripture reminds us that we are to forgive others in the same manner that Christ forgave us (Col. 3:13; Eph. 4:32). A child of God knows that not only has their greatest debt been erased, but that God has adopted us into His own family. He didn’t just forgive us; He made us His own.

So we are to forgive the debt of others towards us. For there is no greater debt than the one of which we have already been forgiven.

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Study to Obey


In many parts of Christendom, serious study of God’s Word has been given a renewed focus. It is commonplace to read articles deriding the “Christianity lite” that was popularized in many youth groups and that began infiltrating the American church at large.  Studious ingestion of Scripture, and the commentaries that explain it, has become the “cool thing” to do. Careful exegesis of passages, contextual understanding and deliberate meditation on Scripture have gained in popularity.   People recognize that serious understanding of God’s Word requires serious study of it.

This is a good thing. Scripture makes it clear that studying and dwelling on God’s Word is commendable. However, the Bible also makes it clear that there is a reason for it. We shouldn’t study Scripture merely as a means of increasing our knowledge or in delighting in our own understanding. Our pretense for acquisition of biblical knowledge isn’t so that we can glory in our own obtainment of it. Instead, as Joshua 1:8 indicates, the reason we are to study Scripture is so that we may increasingly obey it. Studying God’s Word should effect our heads, and our hearts. Our lives should increasingly conform to the pattern that Scripture articulates. If not, if we are studying merely as a means to win debates or to make erudite points in discussions, if in other words,  our study is mostly about us, and not about God, than we have missed entirely the point of Scripture to begin with. After all, God’s Word is mostly (and rightly) about Him. We should study in to know Him more, and as a result, our lives should increasingly look as He desires.

Our study of Scripture should increasingly lead to more obedient lives. And as it does, our lives should increasingly bring glory to the One in Whom Scripture delights.

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