Making the Most of Our Time

Time is a funny thing. When we are young it seems to drag on forever. Summers appear to last for an eternity, and the gap between birthdays seems much more than 365 days. We make chains and charts to count down the days before anticipated events.

When we grow older though, time is a fleeting aberration. We strive hard to slow it down, to savor the moments, to complete our to-do list before another day expires. Birthdays come and go faster than we can keep track of them. We complete one event only to turn around and find the next staring at us in the face.

In the busyness of this frantic passing of time, it can be tempting to just get things done, as we mimic horses with the blinders on looking only straight ahead. The problem with that is that as time passes, people come in and out of our lives. Some of these individuals will be with us for the long haul. Others are there just for that particular moment, that specific slice of history. Either way, we know that unless they are believers, our time with them won’t be long. That’s why Colossians 4:5 tells us to make the most of it. Specifically it says:

Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.

There are two parts to this admonition.

First, we have to walk in wisdom towards those that don’t know Christ. This means that we have to be mindful and purposeful in our interactions. Our responses, the activities in which we participate, the manner in which we treat others can’t be casual or off-the-cuff. We should be wisely looking for opportunities to make a Kingdom difference in their lives – getting to know their particular situation and history in order to do this more effectively.

Coupled with that, we need to make the best use of the time. We need to not let an opportunity to minister to them pass us by. We don’t know how long our lives will intersect, and so we can’t put off until tomorrow what could be done today. When there seems to be a crack in proverbial door, we need to open it. When there is an opportunity to direct the conversation to things above, we need to take it. We can’t issue excuses for why now might not be the right time (although we can, and should, use wisdom, as indicated above, to manage the particular situation effectively); as far as we know this may be the only opportunity.

Colossians 4:5 is a seemingly simple verse; translated into English it is only 12 words. Yet doing this well, and consistently, can seem so difficult. However, we must remember we only have a limited time to put this command into practice. There won’t be any “outsiders” in Heaven.

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How to Grow


Most little kids I know are anxious to grow. They are regularly comparing themselves to others, standing against the ruler on the wall, or asking their parents if they are any taller. They are eager to demonstrate that all those glasses of milk and nights of eating their vegetables are doing their job as they slowly inch closer to their full height.

Yet if you ask a kid how to grow, there is little instructive advice that they could give you. They might refer to the aforementioned milk and veggies but other than that they don’t know how to make themselves any taller, their eagerness to do so not withstanding. They may want to notch up inches on their wall ruler as much as their compatriots, but regardless of how they focus their energies or the frequency with which they measure their height, they simply don’t know what they can do in order to enable their growth.

Thankfully, the same is not true in our Christian life. Much like children have a tenacious focus on growth, so should those who follow after Jesus. Except our growth should not be calculated by a ruler but by the proximity between the life we live and the life that God calls us to, the life of Christ. We should not be concerned with how tall we are, but the degree to which our life reflects our Savior – not just in our external actions, but in our heart and motivations as well. Our whole life should increasingly be more like His; that is what growth in the Christian life is.

But how do we grow? How do we engage in this process of sanctification (becoming more holy, i.e. more like Christ)? A 1980 sermon by John Piper may prove helpful in our understanding. In the course of explaining what a rational argument is (as opposed to a heated discussion or insatiable haggling), he provides the following example of one:

1) God sanctifies His people by the Truth. (John 17:17)

2) God’s Word is Truth. (John 17:17)

3) Therefore, “we should give ourselves heartily to the Word for our sanctification.”

It’s a simple presentation of an issue that so many Christians ponder and debate. Growth in the Christian life requires the application of God’s Word to our lives. As we commit to follow its commands and to live a life in keeping with its teaching, we will grow in our walk with God.

There may not be much that a child can do to inch their way towards their desired height. As Christians though let us rejoice in the fact that because God’s Word is ” living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart”  (Heb 4:12), it will always prove faithful in revealing areas in our life where growth is needed. And let us remain grateful that God is at work in us “to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13) enabling us to grow in Him.

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