
I’m very compliant.

When I was in high school, a bunch of friends unexpectedly went over to another friend’s house unexpectedly. Because I wasn’t supposed to be at a house when the parents weren’t home, upon finding out about their absence, I waited outside for my friends to finish their visit.

In college, my friends would laugh at me because instead of walking across the street from my apartment to the school, I would venture down to the crosswalk to traverse the road.  Forget the fact that the rest of the student body didn’t feel the need to do the same.

If we’re playing a board game, and there’s a question about how it is supposed to be played, I will immediately fish for the rule book and abide by it.

And while being so compliant probably doesn’t do a lot to endear me to my peers, growing up it had a good effect on my self-perception. I could identify myself as “the good girl.”

Yet Scripture doesn’t say that we should do good because we will think highly of ourselves for doing it; Scripture says that we do good because of our love for and desire to please God.

And what motivates this love?

Knowledge of Him.

As Colossians 1:9-10 states:

And so  from the day we heard,we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. [emphasis mine]

Did you catch that?

As we understand God and His will more, we will walk in a manner worthy of Him.

Not only because we know what pleases Him, and therefore know better what we should do, but because we have greater understanding of Who He is, and therefore don’t want to do things that would disappoint Him.

Our increased knowledge of Him increases our desire for Him. And our desire to do those things that make Him happy.

So if we want to live a life more pleasing to Him, we should learn more about Him.

  • We should study His Word.
  • We should spend time in prayer.
  • We should listen to other Christians who know Him more.

And just like gas powers a car, that knowledge should be the fuel that prompts our good works.

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“Why in the world would someone do that?”

It’s a question I find myself asking all too often. Whether it’s something someone said, how they acted or the choices that they make,  I have long realized that I won’t ever completely understand people.

The problem comes when those words, actions or choices begin to affect me.  I try to be understanding and remember that people are probably asking the very same thing about me, but I still sometimes end up frustrated.

Recently, however, I’ve been struck with the realization that Jesus often contended with frustrating people too. Despite the flannelgraph stories that I have in my head where all is tranquil, in reality, Jesus had to deal with people who:

  • gossiped about Him
  • questioned Him
  • doubted Him
  • mocked Him

and eventually killed Him.

Yet instead of frustratingly lashing out at how ridiculous they were being, He

  • corrected them
  • taught them
  • helped them
  • loved them

and ultimately sacrificed Himself for them.

People’s response didn’t prohibit Christ from doing what God had called Him to do. Regardless of their actions, He focused on reflecting God’s glory. And so it should be for us.

After all, it is Christ that is at work in us.  And nothing can frustrate His purposes.

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