An Unaffordable Love

A good friend of the family taught me that relationships were like bank accounts; you may deposits and you make withdrawals. The key is to not make a greater withdrawal than the accumulation of the deposits you make. That’s when problems emerge. The example she gave resonates with me still today – if she asked her daughter to do something and got a snappy response in return she knew that she was overdrawn. In one way or another, the balance had been altered.

We tend to approach our relationship with God in the same way. We think that if we make enough deposits that we’re entitled to withdrawals. This is the “well, at least I’m not as bad as that guy” mindset. However, when we think about the deposit that’s made been on our account – the selfless sacrifice of a Father who gave his Son on our behalf and a Son who willingly left His rightful place in heaven to pay that sacrifice – we realize that no amount of deposits can restore the balance. We are deeply in His debt. His love can’t be purchased and if it could, its price none of us would be able to afford.

The even more amazing part of this equation is that on an account that I can never pay off, the things that I do out of love for Him, the acts of faith, are “credited” to me as righteousness. No payment satisfies the bill and yet we are given credit. What an amazing grace indeed.

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Skewed Priorities

Like many, I was shocked yesterday to hear of Heath Ledger’s death. If you asked a sample of people about who the next young celebrity to die would be, I would guess that Heath’s name would never come up. He didn’t seem to get a lot press for anything outside of his body of work (and his relationship with co-stars), but critically he received much acclaim. All of which probably combined to make his death all the more shocking.

As startling as news of the young actor’s death was, more astonishing has been the press coverage. A quick visit to and you can receive a timeline of the young man’s life, hourly updates as to what friends are saying, what the medical examiner is saying, who could have seemed this coming, etc. Random eulogies from former co-stars abound. It’s all mind-boggling. All the more so because young people’s lives from across the globe are terminated every day – often through choices not their own – and the press barely pays attention. As mentioned previously, I have a personal interest in the violence in Kenya and now – even as things once again intensify – I have to search for news on the subject. A whole country is being torn apart and in less than three weeks time, we’re too bored to pay attention.

I understand the fascination with new. In fact, since I’m in marketing, I exploit it. But somewhere along the line, news became sensationalism and what was the most sensational is what we discussed. Import is based on the extent that the subject shocked us, and not on the impact it has. We’ve focused on the latest in abandonment of the lasting.

Writing this, I know I’m the worst offender. I’m fascinated by lives of people whose claim to fame is the ability to pretend they’re something their not. Maybe if I was a little bit more impressed by those who were genuine, my priorities would be more aligned with God’s.

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