No Comparison

Often times when I am teaching one of my greatest challenge is to have my students anticipate how what they are learning in class will be useful to them in their professional life. Terms and theories can seem so arbitrary and more than once I have had a student question why things can’t be more like the real world, only for me to try to convince them that what they are learning is what is needed for the real world. It’s hard for them to imagine life outside of the classroom walls. And this makes sense, the class is familiar to them; their career is not.

As much as I invest time in helping them prepare for their career, my students can tell you that I also invest considerable time in trying to prepare them for another future – that of their eternal destiny. As I often tell them, I want them to be successful in whatever profession God leads them to, but I want their success to be determined by God’s standards, not the world’s. I want them to make decisions, choose paths, and commit to actions based on what will be considered “profitable” from Heaven’s vantage point, and not merely from their contemporaries’ perspective. My hope is that they are constantly looking to eternity and it is that future reality that has the most impact on what they do each day.

The challenge is that just like it is hard for them to picture life in the “real world,” it is hard for them to really anticipate the joys of Heaven. I know this because they want to delay their experience of Heaven until they can achieve certain milestones on Earth. They want to have kids, or achieve a certain professional stature. They want to grow old or make sure that they have had a chance to fall in love. Whatever their particular ideal is they want to make sure that they get to experience that first, and then they’ll be “ready” for Heaven.

It is a temptation that is not limited to college students. There has probably been a time that each of us has secretly (or not-so-secretly) wished that we will get to experience something in this life before God calls us Home. This tendency, however, fails to consider that there is nothing in this world that can compare to the reality of being in God’s presence. There is no happiness here that is not superseded by the joy there. There is no success on this Earth that is not surpassed by the delight of being with Christ.  There is no achievement or accolade of this world that is not eclipsed by the privilege of praising God in His presence.

We are tempted to think that we are “missing out” if we don’t get to a certain stage of this life, but in reality, we are currently missing out on the satisfaction of being with our Maker.

And perhaps if we gained a deeper appreciation for the majesty and delight of an eternity with God, we would find our contentment there and not in the things of this world.


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Daily Deliverance

It’s a wonderful thing to delight in our salvation. When we talk about the fact that God has saved us, most often we are thinking about how He has atoned for our sins and taken on the penalty that was rightly ours to bear (2 Cor. 5:21). Repenting from living for ourselves and placing our trust in His Son’s death and subsequent resurrection means that rather than spending eternity apart from God, as we deserve, our eternal home is with Him. We think of our salvation as what we will experience when our life on this Earth ends. Our salvation is a future reality that we have not yet experienced.

It’s true that we won’t partake of the fullness of salvation until we stand united with our Savior, however, as the Psalmist reminds us (Ps. 68:19), God’s provision for our lives is not reserved only for eternity. He is daily providing the strength His children need to live a life that is pleasing to Him. He doesn’t just care about what happens when our lives end; He is intimately concerned with what is going on in our lives now (Mt. 6:28-30). While we may not fully appreciate the magnitude of what we have been saved from until we stand before Him face-to-face, we should recognize that His concern for His children is not only for that day, but for today as well.

Looking forward to eternity and rejoicing in our ultimate salvation is appropriate. Being thankful that God provides for us on a daily basis is as well.

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