Early Graduation

On days when I like to shock people, I tell them that I graduated college at 19. It’s a true statement, but it’s not one I usually share because people have all sorts of preconceptions about what that means (Also, it feels a little deceptive as shortly thereafter I turned 20.) Almost immediately after someone hears this, their very first question is, “So are you some sort of genius or something?” I quickly have to explain to them that I’m not. I was just a very disciplined student and that God had a plan for my life that allowed me to graduate a little earlier than most. Although many find this answer unsatisfactory, it happens to be the truth.

I was thinking of this recently as I shared my story with a group of students. Those who know me know that another part of my story is that my dad passed away very unexpectedly two years ago. Never before had I put those two incidents – my early graduation and my father’s heavenly homecoming – so close together. As I did so, I realized that what was true for me, was also true of my dad. He received an early “graduation” because he was so disciplined about living for God while on this Earth. The commencement of his eternal life started a  earlier than expected, but that wasn’t an accident. He had finished the work that God called him to do.

There are at least three ways in which my dad demonstrated his disciplined pursuit of God. They are:

  • He devoted himself to the Scriptures – As I’ve written about my dad before, he was a student of the Bible. However, my dad didn’t just read the Scriptures – he studied and memorized them. Upon his passing, I had the chance to see the commentary that he was working on putting together. We also found his ring of notecards that he was using to commit even more of God’s Word to memory. My dad didn’t just consume Scripture – he loved it. And his life reflected that devotion.


  • He prayed expectantly – One of the things that I grew to appreciate about my dad was his penchant for making lists. Like many people, he kept a prayer list, but he also noted when and how those prayer requests were answered. Additionally, he kept this list in his planner so he always had a handy reminder of God’s faithfulness and generosity. My dad prayed expecting an answer and looked forward to when he would write that answer on his list.


  • He discipled purposefully – When I was younger, my dad was involved in all sorts of formal discipleship programs at church. When I grew older, his work took him farther from home, and he couldn’t make all of the scheduled programs. However, that didn’t stop him from discipling. He looked for opportunities to help others grow in their faith and intentionally pursued those opportunities that God provided. Whether as part of a formal program or not, he was committed to sharing God’s truth with others and helping them in their walk with God.

Graduation ceremonies are usually occasions of much celebration as we acknowledge the start of the next chapter in a person’s life.  My dad’s commencement into Heaven may have been sooner than we expected, but I’m sure he was met with much Heavenly applause. After all, he lived a life worthy of an early graduation, with honors.


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Only A Whisper

I’ve longed been fascinated by the quietness of God. Perhaps it’s because of the hectic life that I tend to lead, but passages that remind me that God often chooses to speak, not in shouts of proclamation, but in whispers of direction encourage me to to quiet myself, in order that I may hear from Him (See I Kings 19:12, Isaiah 30:21)

However,  Job 26 recently reminded me that God may not be as “quiet” as I tend to think. After all, the Earth is a display of God’s greatness. He places the world in orbit, causes the sun and moon to rise, stirs up waves and cause them to crash. By His hand,  seasons are brought forth. These things and more scream of God’s majesty and splendor. They loudly tell of His greatness and might. They shout of His excellence. They boldly proclaim the goodness of our King.

Yet, they are only a whisper of Him (Job 26:14). They are but a trifle of what He can do. Creating the Earth wasn’t a stretch for God – it was something He accomplished with a word. What we rightly see as a magnificent display of God’s greatness, is only a small reflection of the power that He holds. The Earth isn’t His magnum opus; it was a project that He accomplished in just 6 days.

It’s important to quiet ourselves in order to listen to God. Yet at the same time, we need to recognize that His Creation is constantly telling the story of His greatness. And what we view as a loud proclamation of His majesty, is only a whisper from the perspective of Heaven.

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