Peace Rules

This continues a mini-series on peace. The first two parts can be found here and here.

It’s amazing the things that can weigh down our hearts – minor travails like finding the right Christmas present for that hard-to-please person, to major concerns like the unfavorable prognosis that a loved one received.. It’s not difficult to find things in this world to focus our care and concern on.  Unmet needs abound and problems that can’t be fixed are plentiful.

Despite this turmoil, Scripture tells us that the Christian can have peace. In fact, in Colossians 3:15 we are commanded to “let the peace of Christ rule your heart.” What is so great about this directive is that it is something that is volitional – we can choose to let Christ’s peace reign. This means that despite the bad news we receive today, despite the unexpected bill that comes in mail, and despite even the unexpected loss of a loved one, our hearts can be dominated by peace. This isn’t to say it’s easy – it certainly isn’t – but it is possible. And in that, in knowing that it is possible for the Prince of Peace to flood our heart, there is hope for weathering the storms.

Of course, this also means that we can choose to not let Christ’s peace rule. This means that we can choose to struggle underneath the cares of this world. We can elect to let worry and anxiety set up residence in our heart. We can be people who let turmoil rock us and let trials derail us. However, the One who calmed the wind and the seas, desires to calm our hearts as well . And the more we choose to let Christ’s peace rule, the less the temporal struggles of this world will seem an unmanageable burden when compared to the weight of glory.

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Getting Our Hopes Up

Somewhere in the transition between childhood and becoming an adult we learn to brace ourselves for disappointment. Perhaps it’s the collective consequence of a myriad of small dreams not coming to fruition, or a major loss that caught us unaware, but whatever the reason we start saying things like “We shouldn’t shoot too high” or “I don’t want to get my hopes up” as we prepare for perceived inevitable letdown.

As a friend reminded me on a recent blog post, however, as a Christian our hopes should always be up – as we place them in the faithful hands of our Heavenly Father.  The God of the Bible who often used people beyond their wildest dreams (for example –  Abraham, Moses, Joseph and Peter), is the God who wants to use our lives to bring Him glory. Our lives may not turn out the way that we’ve planned, they certainly didn’t for those Biblical examples, but because our Father who looks down on us from above is carefully orchestrating our lives for His purposes, we know that when we fully and firmly place our hope in Him, we will not be disappointed.

May all of us get our hopes up – up into the hands of the One who will use them for His eternal purposes.

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