Not In the Moment

Part of my job as a marketing professional is to understand consumer behavior. Part of my job as a professor of marketing is to teach my students to understand consumer behavior as well. Basically this means that they must be able to identify the influences and the lifestyle dimensions that impact an individual’s purchase decision. The goal is that through this understanding, organizations can help provide potential customers with better information, thereby improving the likelihood that they’ll be satisfied with their selection.

Not surprisingly, culture is one of the influences that has a profound impact on consumer behavior. Culture – the sum total of norms, behaviors, and values that guide a society’s conduct – is often an elusive quantity to define. Yet, its impact is relentless. Even with all the studies that have been conducted, we still don’t completely understand how it shapes who a person becomes.

To make sense of this difficult concept that is culture, researchers have formulated strategies for comparing cultures to one another. One such way that cultures are compared is based on where they fall along certain value dimensions. For example, one might compare how individualistic vs. collective a culture is. Or one might examine the role of youth and age in cultural interactions. Another aspect that is considered is whether a culture is more likely to value immediate gratification vs. delayed gratification. It would probably not surprise readers to learn that America ranks high on the immediate gratification scale (For more information see Hawkins & Mothersbaugh, Consumer Behavior, 2009). Delaying fulfillment of our desires is not one of our strong suits.

However, while this may be the American way, it certainly isn’t the biblical one. Proverbs 25:16-28 makes this clear. This series of verses extols the abandonment of excess. And it isn’t just in the physical realm that overindulgence should be avoided. As verse 27 shares, we shouldn’t be seeking excess praise, any more than we should be seeking an abundant feast. In fact, these verses not only preach the dreadful consequences of prideful indulgence, they share the antidote as well. For, when we aren’t concerned with consumption, we share. When we are focused on the present, we seek to acquire; when we are focused on eternity’s future, we seek to give. When we cease to live in the moment, we realize that even our enemies can be the benefactors of our good.

The reason for this is simple yet complicated. It’s only through recognizing that life is not made up of possessions, but of moments that we realize what we need to do is not live in the moment for today, but make the moment count for eternity.

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Bring It On

Perhaps the phrase “Bring It On” is most-often associated with a movie about rival cheerleader squads. In it, the phrase serves as a taunt to proclaim one squad’s superiority over the other. “Bring it on” they say, with confidence that whatever the other team may bring, they will do better.

However, around the same time this movie was seeping into our nation’s consciousness, and before it proliferated way too many sequels, Steven Curtis Chapman had a song with the same name. “Bring it on” he proclaimed, with the intended recipient being the Persecutor of Christians. Sure, there may be tough times, the song exhorted, but if those times bring us closer to our Father, than “bring it on.”

Chapman’s song emphasized an important point, reminiscent of James’ point to the early Church that they should view their trials with joy because they produce perseverance in faith (James 1:2-3). And while this point is a good one, and it can help us to have a right view of the struggles we encounter, there is another reason that we should say “bring it on” when, as Christians, we face tough times. The more we suffer, the more we struggle for Christ’s sake on this Earth, the more we will be rewarded in the next (See Matthew 5:11-13). When our difficulties arise as a result of our faithfulness to Christ and His calling, we can with confidence combat our trials. We say “bring it on” not only for the Earthly benefits of tested and proven faith, but for the heavenly ones as well.

This is no small tasks. Welcoming trials seems in opposition to all that we as humans crave. We desire the avoidance of pain, and the preponderance of pleasure. And while we shouldn’t seek out troubling situations, just for the sake of encountering them (See Matthew 4:7), we also needn’t fear them. We can confidently say “bring it on” knowing that in the end our rival will be conquered and our reward great.

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