The Work We’re To Do

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. – Ephesians 4:16

I don’t have the best body. No, I’m not talking about the fact that Elle McPherson and I have little in common. Although that’s true (at least as far as surface appearances would foretell), my body just has a habit of not being able to do all the things I want it too. It started when I was younger, the weak ankles that I inherited from my grandmother would result in Ace bandage wraps more often than I care to admit. And although running miles upon miles has caused my ankles to strengthen, my muscles, ligaments, and joints still have their challenges. A large part of this is because I internalize things and my body pays the cost. It’s not the worse thing in the world; after all when my body needs a break it means the rest of me slows down too, but given the choice, I’d rather everything function at a little more optimal level.

It is noteworthy perhaps, that there are parts of my body that function extremely well. My heart for instance is in tip-top shape (again – miles of running.) But my heart, although a muscle can’t do the job that my shoulder muscle is assigned when my shoulder muscle decides to spasm. They are of the same nature, yet have very different roles, and unfortunately, I can’t supplant the job of one for the task of another.

Its the same way in the Church. The job that one person has been given can’t be done by someone else. We each must complete the task, whether seemingly menial or significant that God calls us to do recognizing that each task, when a godly task, is significant because of its heavenly origin. We sometimes want to argue with our role – we fear God has given us too much or too little, or He’s asked us to do something for which we are ill-equipped. None of this matters. Our job is to complete our function because without it, the rest of the Body can’t complete theirs.

And when we do that we may feel that God has called us to do too much and feel that we will not have the wherewithal to accomplish His mission. The words of another may comfort us. “I’d rather burn out than rust out” said James Young Ferguson. And he’s right. Burning out is better because our job is to be a light and if we’re burning, we’re definitely shinning. The other thing to remember is this – things only gather rust when they aren’t being used. If we’re being used, rust isn’t a concern, for our constant service will prevent the stagnation that allows rust to flourish.

God’s called us to do things for His kingdom. Are we?

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A Greater Love

I just got a puppy. He’s adorable and a rascal, makes me laugh and sometimes makes me want to scream. While anyone who has had a puppy knows what this like, the purpose of this little treatise isn’t to advocate the trials or the triumphs of owning a dog. Instead, its to talk about the sudden change in priorities that can occur within just a moment of time. All of the sudden my crazy schedule isn’t so any more.

Those who know me know that I tended to go from one activity to the next. This is surprising since I’m an introvert, but for one reason or another I tend to be involved in a lot of things. I rarely realize how crazy my schedule is until I start describing it to someone else and they look at me with big eyes. Somehow, it just seemed normal to me.

But all the sudden my normal has changed. No longer do I feel compelled to be involved in everything because there’s an 11-week old little dog who is, at this time, quite dependent on me. And it’s important to me that my rambuncious puppy grows up into a well-behaved dog. My priorities have shifted.

And the thing is, I tend not to mind it. The work, the change in schedule, is worth it because there’s a greater vision in mind. I don’t want to have to be teaching my 5-year old dog how to behave, I’d much rather do it now. However, the work and the inconvenience that I somehow manage with my dog, I sometimes balk at when it comes to the service that God has me do. I want it to be on my own schedule and I want it to work according to my plans, and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes its hard and trying, and frankly very discouraging. But just like my dismay at my puppy’s behavior doesn’t make me abandon the work, neither should disappointment in people’s response to the things of God. After all, the work isn’t for them anyway.

We are willing to make all sorts of things a priority in our lives and we sacrifice much to ensure that our priorities are achieved. If God’s purpose in our lives was the most prominent priority in our lives, maybe we’d be a little more willing to deal with inconveniences and a little less concerned about its impact on us.

“It’s amazing how non-Christians put our love and commitment to shame because their love for idols exceed our love for God” – Dr. Mike Fabarez, June 1, 2008

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