The Path of Least Assurance

We have all probably been there. We are faced with a decision and one path seems like the “rational” choice, and yet after prayerful consideration, we believe that God is leading us in the other direction. It may not make sense to us, let alone to our friends or family, and yet we feel compelled to pursue this path of uncertainty. We may not see beyond the next step, and we definitely do not know what the end result will be, but we sense that this is the way the Holy Spirit desires us to go.

In these situations, I often find myself wondering why God doesn’t reveal more. Of course, He has been gracious to reveal as much as He has through His Word, but at times, it appears that following Him would be easier if we had a clearer sense of where He was leading. Perhaps if we could see what He was orchestrating, we would more confidently pursue it. Perhaps if we knew what the plan was, our hearts would be more inclined towards it. If we understood more, wouldn’t we follow better?

While all of this sounds good, I’ve come to believe that one of the reasons God may choose not to reveal all He has planned is because we would be tempted to follow the plan, rather than Him. If we had a greater sense of the work He was doing in and through us, we might become so focused on what He will accomplish, that we would neglect to bring glory to the One whose accomplishment it is. If we understood how the pieces fit together, we might think we could complete the puzzle without Him. In other words, sometimes God may call us to the path of least assurance because if we do not have confidence in the circumstance, it may cause us to increase our dependency on Him.

Of course, just because something is uncertain is by no means a clear indication that this is the path a Christian should pursue. We should dedicate our decisions to prayer, seek wise counsel and dive deep into His Word. At the same time, we mustn’t be afraid if the path that we are to walk is not completely revealed. It is enough to know the One who leads us, and to place our assurance not on the road that we see, but on the One who leads the way.

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Proportional Response

There is an episode of West Wing where President Bartlett is discussing a response to some type of national aggression. His advisors recommend several courses of action that are considered “proportional responses.” The idea beyond their recommendation was that the fictional government should respond in kind to the act that was committed against them. Whatever course was decided should be mitigated by the actions which preceded it.

I have been thinking a lot lately about proportional responses as I have reflected on the events of any given day. As I consider what has happened in my life, and my reaction to it, I keep thinking “I have a lot of reasons to be grateful, and very few reasons to complain.” As this mantra has gone through my mind, it has reminded me whatever challenges I face, the bigger challenges have already been taken care of. In His great kindness and mercy God has saved me from my sins. He has redeemed me, and called me to be a part of the work that He has doing. In His graciousness He has provided enough food for me to eat, a roof over my head, and a family to love. Regardless of what has occurred, these things remain true. Therefore, even as there are difficulties and frustrations along the way, my heart is learning to be conditioned towards gratefulness. I may not have all that I desire, but I have more than I need or deserve. The “proportional response” to this is thanks.

Of course, there is no guarantee that apart from my salvation, that I will continue to have all these things. And I know that some reading this post may find themselves in situations where they lack some of the blessings I have articulated above. But even if God should take away all my earthly treasures, He would have still given His Son to die on a cross for me. While my overwhelming response to the circumstances of my life should be one of thanks, my gratitude is not predicated on the conditions I face on any given day. I have Christ; He is all I need. And if all I have is Him, I am grateful.

In international conflict a “proportional response” recognizes what has happened and what should be done in kind.  In the Christian life, a “proportional response” recognizes all that has been given, and the debt that we owe.  When the debt is great, and yet has been forgiven, the proportional response is thankfulness, regardless of what else may occur.


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