Strength, Trust and Contentedness


I can do all things through him with strengthens me. – Phil 4:13 (ESV)

This familiar verse has been used on everything from greeting cards to wall signs to a rallying cry for sports team. People tend to like this verse because it inspires them to “be all that they can be.” Yet people generally forget to look at the preceding verses. Immediately before Paul writes about his reliance on Christ to do “all things” he writes about the fact that he has learned to be content in all circumstances (v. 11-12). The focus of Paul’s exhortation to the Philippians wasn’t on his ability or capacity; instead he wanted to remind them that regardless of what situation they faced – whether they had plenty or were in need, whether they were weak or they were strong – they can be confident in Christ’s provision and could rely on Him to accomplish His purposes.

This is not an easy thing to do. Often times, it is easier to look at what we are capable of, conjure up our courage, and to try to overcome obstacles. And while all of these things may be needed, what is needed first is a reliance on Christ. Christ is the One at work; we are His instruments to accomplish His purposes. What we should mediate on when we think of this verse is the One who strengthens us, not the person that He is strengthening.

This should give us great hope. As we ponder our future, we can depend on God to give us all that we need to accomplish what He has called us to do.  As we consider His purposes for our lives, we can delight in all He is able to do through hearts that are devoted to Him. And whatever circumstance we find ourselves in, we can be content in the One who is able to transform that circumstance for the purposes of His Kingdom.


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Dual Role


When we present the Gospel we often focus on the message of salvation.

This make sense. After all – what we want people to know is how they can be saved from their sins an spend eternity with God.

It is this message that they are most likely to respond to because it is in their self-interest to do so. It may be what first attracted us to a relationship with Christ; we realized the depravity of our sin and the need we had for a Savior.  Understanding how Christ’s death and resurrection provided our redemption is critical in coming to a place of repentance and faith.

And while the Gospel is clearly the anthem of salvation, the biblical Gospel also hearkens another tune. As Paul wrote in Romans 1:16-17 (ESV):

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith,  as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.

In other words – the Gospel is about salvation – true. But the Gospel also broadcasts God’s righteousness. His justice is on display, as is His mercy and grace. His love is proclaimed, as it is goodness, kindness, patience and peace. The truth of His Word is herald and His faithfulness is trumpeted.  All of Who God is, is demonstrated most clearly to us through the fact that He sent His Son to die a death that He did not deserve so that His enemies might be called His kids.

The Gospel is about how God provided a way for us, but it is also gives us the most powerful expression of the God we are called to serve.

And when we tell the Good News to others we need to make sure both these things are made clear.

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