Laborers Not Loiterers

In the book “Words of Counsel,” Charles Spurgeon discusses the importance of our diligent engagement in the work God gives us. As he rightly observers, the call to Christians is to be laborers not loiterers. When we commit to follow Christ, action is expected – namely that we go where He leads. As Scripture makes clear, Jesus will always lead His children into work and service that honors Him (See Colossians 3:23-24; I Peter 4:10-11; Galatians 5:13-14).

Spurgeon’s observation is a poignant one and his turn of phrase memorable. Within the many analogies that the Bible uses to describe the Christian life, there is activity. We are to be like the runner who runs the race well (I Cor. 9:24-27), the soldier who fights honorably (2 Tim. 2:3-4), and the farmer who faithfully sows (2 Timothy 2:6). In each of these descriptions, the person is known for what they do, rather than merely the traits they possess. If someone said that they were a farmer, but they never prepped soil, planted seeds, or harvested crops, we would question that description. We evaluate the farmer’s commitment to their calling based on their diligence in the tasks that are associated with that profession, not based on how frequently they state their occupation. In much the same way, Jesus said that they would know that we are His disciples based on how faithfully we do what He says (John 8:31). What is most significant is not how many times we call ourselves a Christian (although we should explicitly identify ourselves with Christ), but our commitment to do the work which He has called us to do.

Lest there be any confusion this is not to say that engagement in ministry activity is what qualifies someone as a Christ follower. We become God’s children by grace alone through faith alone, by the death and resurrection of His Son (Eph. 2:8-9). But everyone that has been saved by Him, that is rightfully His kid, has been called to serve Him through their gifts and through their opportunities. Our work for Christ will not save us, but those who are saved should never be complacent about their response; they will not loiter but labor for their Savior. Christianity, as has often been observed, is not a spectator sport.

The comfort of being a spectator, or a loiterer, is that generally there are few expectations of you.  We would never think that a fan in the stands is responsible for the outcome of the game. And yet despite the lack of responsibility, many spectators take quite a bit of pleasure in questioning the decisions of those on the field. They want to point out what they did wrong or what they could have done better, just as the loiterer loves to make observations about those who pass by. Similarly, there are many who calls themselves Christian, but neglect getting involved in the work of serving Christ, all the while critiquing the work of those who do. But just as the spectator’s or the loiterer’s feedback has little impact on the eventual successes of those they observe, the follower of Christ who refuses to actively participate in the work of ministry has minimal impact for God’s Kingdom. And this will not suffice for God’s children; they should want to do all they can to ensure that others experience the blessings and inheritance that come from being in His family (Colossians 1:12-14). Because they have benefitted from the faithful work of those who introduced them to Christ, they will endeavor to diligently serve others in the same way.

Perhaps the reason that so many who name the name of Christ refuse to labor for His sake is because it sounds like a lot of work. In fact, faithfully engaging in God’s ministry does require effort. But just like there is much gladness for the farmer when he reaps the harvest, there is much pleasure for the Christ-follower when they witness what God has done through their efforts. It is this joy that prompts continued diligence even when the work seems wearisome. It was, after all, the “joy that was set before Him” that encouraged Jesus in completing the work that the Father had called Him to do (Hebrews 12:2). May Christ’s work on the cross similarly motivate us to faithfully do our work – never content to be a loiterer, but instead always to be a faithful laborer for our Savior.

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Work With Willing Hands

As my husband and I raise our children, one of the things that is important to us is not only that our children obey but that they do so with the right frame of mind. As we often say, we want them to follow instructions “with a happy heart and good attitude.” This doesn’t mean that they will always fully enjoy their assignments; after all what kid likes picking up their toys or writing thank you notes? – but it does mean that even if they don’t like the task, we want them to delight in doing the work well – because they are doing it to honor their father and me – those who love them most on this Earth.

Our kids aren’t the only ones who sometimes have to be reminded of the importance of approaching their work with a heart that honors God; sometimes I need this reminder too. In the midst of doing what God has called me to – grading papers, working on writing assignments and speaking engagements, parenting my kids, and serving in my church – the growing number of assignments that fill my hours can seem to stifle the joy that I find in them. There is a temptation to approach them as a burden that needs to be carried, and a duty that must be fulfilled. However, this is not the perspective that honors God. Instead of trying to find happiness in the details of my tasks, my heart needs to concentrate on finding joy in serving the One who loves me the most, and in recognizing that it is because of His graciousness that He has entrusted me with so much work to do.

The highly-praised woman described in Proverbs 31 is instructive in this endeavor. Although she has often been acclaimed for the variety of tasks that she accomplishes and the positive impact that she has on her family, there is something else that is noteworthy about her endeavors. Proverbs 31:13 tells us that she is one who “works with willing hands.” She was doing many things, but she wasn’t doing them grudgingly or with spite. She was working hard – both within and outside her house – for the good of those that God had entrusted to her care – with hands that were eager to do the work. Her days were full – and so was her heart – because she approached her assignments with a God-honoring perspective. She was ready for the work, not only in terms of skills and resources, but also with an attitude that was eager to be used by God for His purposes.

It is easy to look at our to-do lists and our responsibilities and see only burdens and duties. But every task that we have been given, every assignment that is ours, is a stewardship that has been entrusted to us by God. “Let us not grow weary in doing good” (Gal. 6:9) but instead, with willing hands, continue to faithfully do what God has given us. As we do so, may we honor Him not only in what we accomplish, but in how we go about completing what He has assigned.

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