Mystery of the Ages

There are some people in this world who are an open book. Despite my affinity for reading, I am not one of them. As old roommate (whom I miss dearly) once quipped, I am “full of mystery and intrigue.” Being self-revelatory isn’t my strong suit; being vulnerable even less so. And yet I never considered myself someone who was close-mouthed until I had it pointed out to me repeatedly about a year ago. I think its because I’m so commonplace and uninteresting that I assume people feel like they know me. As with so many things in life, I was wrong.

Recently, I heard the Church called the “mystery of the ages.” To be fair, I merely jotted down the reference and now can not remember the context it was uttered in. So it could be that its from a famous quotation and I’m hopelessly pillaging another’s idea. (A good researcher would Google that – but I’m not at work, so its not my responsibility.:-) ) I thought the description was apt. As someone who’s been questioned regarding their commitment to church, I find it hard to explain why I am so regularly participate in corporate worship. It’s especially hard to convey to people who are familiar with attending church but have never been a part of the Church. All they see is the social benefits and the warm fuzzies that they receive, which like all good feelings are bound to dissipate when strife enters in. For me, the warm fuzzies and the social benefits are secondary. There is something mysterious that happens when hearts turned to God jointly proclaim Who He is. There is something unexplainable about the fact that the Church has lasted despite its missteps and misdeeds. The wonder of the Church can’t be captured in a thirty-minute “how to” on life (what many sermons have succumbed to in recent years) because the mystery of the Church with a capital C isn’t contained in any four walls, its found in the hearts that are inexplicably joined as members of Christ’s family and in the majesty of coming before the throne as one.

I may never be able to adequately explain it. But, as with so many things that are beautiful, I don’t need to in order to appreciate it.

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Cherish is the Word

Growing up, I always loved the song that went “Cherish is the word I use to describe, all the feeling that I have hiding here inside.” Google tells me that this song is aptly titled “Cherish”, but I have a hard time thinking of it without the rest of the words in the opening line of the chorus.

The reason that I liked the song so much is that “cherish” seemed to more adequately describe that which we sought in a healthy relationship. The more traditional word, love, had been strewn around too much to carry any significant meeting. The word love had supplanted “lust”, “infatuation” and “obsessiveness” , and “really, really like” one too many times for me. Cherish seemed more appropriate. In my mind it conjured up images of deference, of respect, and of value. We use the word cherish to describe that which we honor and will not let go of. More so than “love” which had come to mean anything from a passing fancy to a familial connection, it described romance.

Recently though, I’ve found another application for the word. “Coincidentally” the last two week’s we’ve been learning what it means to love one another in church. I write coincidentally because the dual lessons came about as a result of a guest speaker, not a planned program. However, God must have thought our church needed a refresher, because the two lessons were almost identical in their motif: as part of God’s family we are called to love one another – selflessly, humbly and with purpose. And while I agree that is true, I think cherish may also more accurately describe how we are to be to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Because modern-day usage has destroyed the meaning of the word love, it can conjure up images of tolerance for family members rather than active pursuit of their good. And while tolerance is admirable, I think God had in mind the latter rather than the former. We are to cherish those who are part of His family. To honor, esteem them, and work for their edification. We are to value them if for no other reason that our Father has fit to call them His kids. Cherishing them is how we demonstrate our commitment to Him.

Love is a good word. I use it on a regular basis. But when it comes to my co-laborers in Christ, I think my aim will be to cherish.

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