A Reflection on Relationships

Every year as I turn another year older, I make it a habit to write a considered reflection on some part of my life (See here, here, and here. (If you are confused by the dates, I exported blogs in from a previous place so the last one is obviously not posted in my birthday month)). This annual ritual is an opportunity for me to take stock of what has transpired over the last year and to either consider what how I want to change a year from now, or what lessons I want to glean from my past experience. It’s a useful, if not boring, tradition.

This year, as I pondered my birthday blog, I was reflecting on the veracity of a lesson that a good, wise friend once shared with me, and which I have since shared with others. In my field of marketing its important to recognize the costs associated with every action. My friend taught me that the same is true in relationships. Every action is either a deposit or a withdrawal, and its important to make sure that we have a “positive balance” in our relationships. Otherwise, our relationships will get strained and there will be a “deficit” that we incur. (Not to mention some possible overdraft charges. 🙂 ) We need to consider the state of our relationships, just like we consider the state of our finances, and make decisions about how we are going to expend our resources accordingly.

While this has been a helpful lesson, I have discovered that it is perhaps, incomplete. Because unlike a bank account, when you make a deposit in a relationship, there is little guarantee that it will be protected and secured. Relationships instead, may function more like your retirement plan. You make deposits and hope that future interests and returns will reveal that it was a sound investment. However, just as many are discovering with their dwindling 401(k) plans, this investment may end up in disappointment. The investments we make in relationships, as with our retirement, are in anticipation of the future, and the future is often anything but clear.

Yet, in learning this lesson, I have also determined, that we should make the deposits anyway. Sure, it may be that we are disappointed with how certain investments turn out. Maybe we pour our life into a friend only to have them betray us. Maybe we invest in a stranger, only to find that our efforts were rebuffed. But just like any financial planner would tell you that the current market fluctuations shouldn’t deter you from planning for your future, a few unmaterialized relationship investments, shouldn’t mean that we abandon what we’ve been called to do. For Christians, our degree of investment is clear. We should be willing to lay down our life for our friends (John 15:31) and go out of our way to care for a stranger (Luke 10:25-31). And while we may not reap the rewards of this investment immediately, we do have a guaranteed return in Heaven where we can look forward to our Father commending and rewarding us for how we cared for others on Earth. (Matt. 25:34-36).

Investments in retirement plans and investment in relationships are good, sound decisions. However, we need to make these decisions knowing that the immediate outcome is uncertain. Yet from eternity’s perspective, the investment that counts, the investment we make in others, is secured.

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Blessed Beyond Measure

It’s been tradition for me to write a blog on my birthday. This tradition was neglected this year due to a crazy schedule. However, traditions last because there is value to them. So although this is a few days late, I still want to take the opportunity to write my thoughts on the previous 366 days. It a time to recall the lessons learned and the opportunities that lie ahead.

I believe that the word that most characterizes this past year is “blessed.” Indeed, my life is an example of how gracious our Heavenly Father is because He has given more far more than even love would allow. The life of forgiveness and love that He bestows on me not only exceeds what I deserve, He’s taken the punishment that is rightfully mine and given me goodness instead. Blessed is the only word that I think can adequately describe this exchange.

Lest anyone think that life has all been sunshine and roses for me this past year, let me quickly correct that misperception. There’s been hurts and tears, pain and discipline. Yet in these blessings that He’s given me so far surpasses these momentary inconveniences that as I reflect back its hard to remember what those hard. His goodness is far greater than any single event that can take place on this Earth.

And that’s perhaps the greatest lesson I’ve learned. The things that happen to me now are temporary. Stressing over a bad time or a ill-thought word is scarcely worth it. The joy of what lies ahead is enough to compel me to forget these trivialities. A year later its hard to recall them even with effort. Learning to life each day with a recount of the blessings bestows puts all else in perspective. When looking at this life from Heaven’s perspective, its difficult to be too concerned with the challenges that this world affords.

Instead, I look at my life, and I know that I’m blessed.

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