Church-Going Folk

One of my favorite things to do is to learn about people’s perceptions of me. I think its because we all tend to think that we’re projecting a certain image and than we are startled when we find out that what people think of us could be very different from that. In the past, this would bother me but I’ve learned its just part of the beauty of human relationships. Our self-perceptions are always distorted – we might as well deal with it.

I was reminded of this recently when someone expressed surprised that I regularly attended church. As someone who often attends church multiple times a week it was amusing to have someone think that I was an infrequent attender. Their logic was that I probably would be frustrated by the politics and insincerity that plaques many church gatherings therefore my response would be to be someone who visits church rather than participate.

The truth is that there is a bunch of insincerity and politics that make going to church less than ideal. Church, in fact, has become a cultural ritual rather than a community of like-minded followers. And while I recognize this divergence from the model, I also recognize that they let me come to church and I have plenty of my own baggage that other people choose to deal with. It seems hypocritical of me not to be willing to deal with theirs.

The other truth is that, like many things in life, we derive the value out of attending church that we ascribe to it. The church is definitely made up of a bunch of sinners – but that’s what makes it great – we all stand equal in front of a Holy God. By investing in relationships, by worshiping corporately we learn more about what God’s intentions are. And while these might be different from our perceptions, at least we are then more fully prepared for our final Home.

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Double Pierced

When you’ve spent as much time in church as I have, you learn that there are just as much politics in there as there is any other place where large groups of people get together and ostensibly work towards the same goal. It may take on a more spiritual tone (and then again, it might know), but the maneuvering and the special interest groups are the same.

Of course, a lot of political struggles center around doctrine – what a group is going to profess as the right course of action – and it is no different in the church. The most prominent struggle is centuries old – the emphasis on law versus grace. Even the Early Church fought this battle as evident in Acts 15. Some groups wanted to emphasize the importance of obeying the Hebraic Law while others wanted to focus on the new covenant. The same holds true today. Some churches focus on teaching adherents to follow the commandments of Christ, while others focus on demonstrating His limitless grace. Perhaps the strangest thing about this fight, is that both sides are right. Both God’s law and His good news are needed. As Charles Spurgeon once wrote, “the law is for the self-righteous, to humble their pride: the gospel is for the lost, to remove their despair.” Neither the gospel nor the law can accomplish the goal of the others. With only the Law, we would despair which is why the Gospel is needed. With only the Gospel, we may boast of our high place; the Law is needed to show our depravity. Every believer needs both to pierce the depths of their inmost being.

Political struggles will probably always be a part of the church on Earth. But we can rejoice, their place in heaven is nonexistent.

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