Early Graduation

On days when I like to shock people, I tell them that I graduated college at 19. It’s a true statement, but it’s not one I usually share because people have all sorts of preconceptions about what that means (Also, it feels a little deceptive as shortly thereafter I turned 20.) Almost immediately after someone hears this, their very first question is, “So are you some sort of genius or something?” I quickly have to explain to them that I’m not. I was just a very disciplined student and that God had a plan for my life that allowed me to graduate a little earlier than most. Although many find this answer unsatisfactory, it happens to be the truth.

I was thinking of this recently as I shared my story with a group of students. Those who know me know that another part of my story is that my dad passed away very unexpectedly two years ago. Never before had I put those two incidents – my early graduation and my father’s heavenly homecoming – so close together. As I did so, I realized that what was true for me, was also true of my dad. He received an early “graduation” because he was so disciplined about living for God while on this Earth. The commencement of his eternal life started a  earlier than expected, but that wasn’t an accident. He had finished the work that God called him to do.

There are at least three ways in which my dad demonstrated his disciplined pursuit of God. They are:

  • He devoted himself to the Scriptures – As I’ve written about my dad before, he was a student of the Bible. However, my dad didn’t just read the Scriptures – he studied and memorized them. Upon his passing, I had the chance to see the commentary that he was working on putting together. We also found his ring of notecards that he was using to commit even more of God’s Word to memory. My dad didn’t just consume Scripture – he loved it. And his life reflected that devotion.


  • He prayed expectantly – One of the things that I grew to appreciate about my dad was his penchant for making lists. Like many people, he kept a prayer list, but he also noted when and how those prayer requests were answered. Additionally, he kept this list in his planner so he always had a handy reminder of God’s faithfulness and generosity. My dad prayed expecting an answer and looked forward to when he would write that answer on his list.


  • He discipled purposefully – When I was younger, my dad was involved in all sorts of formal discipleship programs at church. When I grew older, his work took him farther from home, and he couldn’t make all of the scheduled programs. However, that didn’t stop him from discipling. He looked for opportunities to help others grow in their faith and intentionally pursued those opportunities that God provided. Whether as part of a formal program or not, he was committed to sharing God’s truth with others and helping them in their walk with God.

Graduation ceremonies are usually occasions of much celebration as we acknowledge the start of the next chapter in a person’s life.  My dad’s commencement into Heaven may have been sooner than we expected, but I’m sure he was met with much Heavenly applause. After all, he lived a life worthy of an early graduation, with honors.


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Being a Builder of Teams

When I was younger my dad used to joke that the reason that we had a station wagon was because he was planning to have enough kids to field a family softball team. Since my parents only had 2 children, obviously this plan did not pan out. Still, it illustrates something that was crystallized in a friend’s remark after my dad’s passing –   “everywhere he went he built a team.”  Whether that meant coaching in several different softball leagues, or having an impromptu group work together to accomplish a project, very few things thrilled my dad more than pulling people of different talents, temperaments and abilities together to achieve a goal. It’s one of the reasons that his team at work initiated a leadership award in his honor after he went home to be with Jesus.

Because my dad was so proficient at building teams, it’s little wonder that I learned a lot about doing so from him. In particular, I learned that in order to build a team you need to:


  • Be Authentic – My dad was a goof ball. Ask anyone who knew him and they can testify to that fact. In the midst of his extremely demanding and important job, he brought his team the same sense of humor as we got to experience at home. He would tell people why a fire engine is red, or start quoting the lyrics to an off-the-wall song. Even as my dad went up the ranks in the company, he was still the same person. There was very little pretense with him, which meant that his team knew him – his quirks and his foibles, his patterns and his values. Sometimes this meant he had to apologize to them, but if it was appropriate, he was quick to do so. He was who he was – a sinner saved by the grace of God – and he was committed to authentically representing the work of God in His life and being the person that He had created my dad to be.


  • Give (and Take) Candor – When my dad was interviewing one of his team members, the prospective employee asked him, “Will I be able to be candid?”  My dad so loved and appreciated the question because my dad valued candor.  He knew that in order to build a team, you have to be willing and able to give accurate feedback – both positive encouragement and corrective reprove.  This is required for growth – and my dad cared enough about his team that he wanted to make sure that they grew – both personally and professionally. And my dad expected the same candor from his team. He wanted them to tell him when he mistepped. He knew that the only effective teams are the ones where the boss listens to feedback too.


  • Put Your Team First  – If there is one thing that my dad preached to me over and over about management, and which he illustrated in  his actions, it is that as the boss your most important job is taking care of your team. Your own to-do list is not the priority – it is making sure that you facilitated your team’s success.  This doesn’t mean that you give your team members everything they ask for, but it does mean that you sacrifice in order to help them achieve. Whether that means you put in longer hours at the office or you help coach them through a difficult situation, as the boss it is your job to make sure that your team was cared for, and the way you spend your time should reflect this.

My dad loved teams so it is no surprised that he was an accomplished team builder. And if there are groups of people in Heaven who are working together to accomplish a purpose, I’m sure that my dad will still be putting those skills to use. In the meantime, I’m grateful that I got to have a front-row seat to watching him do so on Earth.


Who do you know that is a gifted team builder? What have you learned from them?

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