Glorious Weight



Weighed Down.

As we face the hustle and bustle of our get-it-done lives it can be easy to humbled by our inability to do all that we want.

Our lists grow longer, our concerns become heavier, and we wonder how we are going to face a new day.

Yet as Scripture often reminds us, this life isn’t what we are striving for. Our eyes shouldn’t be primarily focused on the next day, but on that Day. We’re not waiting merely for temporary relief from our problems; we are anticipating the place where there will no more tears and no more pain. Our focus shouldn’t be on the here and now but on the then and there.

This doesn’t mean that the problems we face today aren’t real; Scripture makes it clear that the Christian will face difficulties. Instead, as 2 Corinthians 4:17 states, they are “light and momentary” compared to what is in store for the believer. Not only that, but the burdens we bear here are preparing us for the “weight of glory” that we will encounter there. As any body builder can tell you the way that you prepare to carry a greater weight is by slowly adding to the light amount you are currently able to bear. The loads of pain and sorrow that we shoulder on Earth are making us ready for the capacity of glory that we will sustain in Heaven. The disappointments and difficulties of today are not superfluous to what we will encounter in the next life; they are preparing us for it  – strengthening our faith, building the Fruit of the Spirit into us and yielding the commendation “Well done, good and faithful servant…Enter into the joy of your Master” (Mt. 25:21). The weight there will be glorious; God uses the sorrows here to prepare and strengthen us for it.

This may seem like a disappointment, as we tend to think of Heaven as relief. Hearing about bearing any type of weight sounds like further difficulty and discomfort. This is why the word “glorious” is so important. In Heaven we will be doing what we were created to do – bringing glory to our Heavenly Father. Just like a glass carrying water bears a weight, it doesn’t seem like it to the glass as it is doing what it created for. So it will be in Heaven. Our lives will be fully oriented to pursue the purpose for which God created us and as we do so, we will rejoice and celebrate that we have been counted worthy of such pursuits.

So as we encounter pain and burdens on Earth, let us remember that they are preparing us for our future “occupation.” Let us be glad that we are being strengthened for the “weight” that is to come. And let us remember that the light and momentary afflictions of this life are nothing compared to the glory of Heaven.



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Grateful to Be Used


There often seems to be a disconnect between what people hoped to achieve and their actual accomplishments. This gap is the cause of many mid-life crisis, as well as a thousand other smaller examples of discontentment. Even when our aim is godly, when we hope to accomplish much for the sake of God’s Kingdom, dissatisfaction with what we were able to do compared to what we wanted to do can slowly and destructively creep in.

It may be that sometimes this uneasiness is caused by God stirring our souls to move beyond what is comfortable in to a new area of service or ministry. However, it seems that more often then not this restlessness occurs, not when our eyes are on God, but when they are firmly fixated on us. As much as we might couch our discord in biblical terms and with lofty aspirations, the truth is that the reason we feel ill at ease is because of what we expected for our lives, not God. We look at the gifts God has given us, and undoubtedly compare them to the talents and abilities of others, and assume that we can accomplish more than our humble achievements reveal. We want to be used in mighty ways and while we might say that this is for the sake of God’s Kingdom, more often than not, it is for the sake of ours.

When we are faced with this unsettling situation, it is important to remember that God did not have to use us at all to accomplish His purposes. Instead of being discontent with the fact that our reach may not be as far or our ministry as well-known as we would have liked, we should be grateful that God chose to use us at all for the purposes of eternity. He has the power and the ability to accomplish everything He wants to on this Earth, but instead of doing it without our involvement, He choose to prepare good works  for us to do (Eph. 2:10). We are only able to do anything of worth because of Him. Instead of complaining that our lofty aspirations were not achieved, we should be thankful that we are able to do anything that has eternal significance.

This call to gratefulness should not be seen as an excuse to be complacent. We should work with diligence and commitment for the sake of God’s Kingdom. But it does mean that if we are doing so, if we are pouring out our lives for Him as Christ poured out His life for us, than we need to leave the results up to God (see Phil. 2:5-18). Our renown may not be great on Earth, but what we are striving for is renown in Heaven. Hearing “Well done, good and faithful servant” will be greater than any commendation we could receive on Earth.


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