Hastened to the Haven

Living in southern California, we don’t experience inclement weather very often. As a result, unlike most places in the world, when rain approaches, you’ll see Facebook status updates excited about the impending storm. (Of course, we are rather fickle in our excitement because it only takes a few consecutive days of rain for the complaints to supplant the former excitement.) For us, rain is viewed as a nice change of pace, rather than the inconvenience and hassle that most geographies consider it.

The reason that rain is often disparaged is because other places are too familiar with the destruction that storms can bring. Devastation often follows a downpour and the effects are real and lasting. However, in the storms in life, much like the Californian, the Christian should have a different perspective on the rain. As Charles H. Spurgeon reminds us,

Fear not the storm, it brings healing in its wings, and when Jesus is with you in the vessel, the tempest only hastens the ship to its desired haven.

We know that storms cause us to be tossed about, but as the great English preacher exhorts us, followers of Christ also known that in that turmoil, He is bringing us to the harbor. He controls the waves of the ocean, and the waves of our lives, and He often uses the swells to bring us to His desired destination. This doesn’t mean conquering the tempest will be easy, but it does mean that we can trust that He is using the crests and the crashes to accomplish His purposes. And because we are His, we know that wherever He brings us, in His love, we are safe.

May we increasingly see the storms of this life as an opportunity for God to hasten us to His haven, and may we trust in where the One who commands the waves, leads.


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How have you seen God use storms to bring you to the harbor?

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The Who (and not the what)

We spend a lot of time fighting against the way things are. We expend a lot of energy demanding what we deserve. We go to battle routinely, prepared to wage war against people and situations that stand in our way.


However, in the midst of our complaints and diatribes, we often forget that it is not the people and the situations that are really the focus of our contention. When we rail against the circumstances that we find ourselves in, when a complaining spirit is what epitomizes our persona, it is the One that allowed the situation that we are ultimately fighting.  When we are angry that life isn’t as we think it should be, it is bound to impact our relationship with the One who not only controls the wind and the waves, but also the details of our day.

As Stephen Neill wrote in The Christian Character:

Every virtue is a form of obedience to God. Every evil word or act is a form of rebellion against Him. This may not be clear at first; but, if we think patiently, we shall find that it is true. Why were you angry? You will probably find that it was because you were not willing to accept the world as God has made it; or because you were not willing to leave it to God to deal with the people that He has made.

In other words, our lack of contentment is ultimately not a disappointment in the way things are; it is an unwillingness to trust in the One who allowed it to be so.


Consequently, in order to be more content, we need to trust in Him more. We need to have confidence that God is still on His throne and nothing that happens on this Earth is outside of His purview. We need to fight a war with sin, not with the circumstances that He allows. And we need to strive to honor and obey Him regardless of the situations that we are in.


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How can we fight discontentment and therefore fight the temptation to sin?

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