Big Decisions, Bigger Hope


We all have those moments in life where it seem that we are on the precipice of a major decision. Although we may not be able to clearly articulate all that the moments signifies, we are well aware that the decision we make will have a significant impact on our immediate and long-term future. If you are anything like me, during those times, you strive hard to make the right decision. The evidence is examined, wisdom from others is considered, and the pros and cons are carefully weighed. The risk of making the wrong choice seems too great, so we carefully contemplate the next move that we will make.

During their exodus from Egypt, the Israelites faced such times of momentous decisions. One such occurrence happened at Kadesh Barnea (Numbers 13-14). The Israelites were told to subdue the enemies that were before them, but when their recognizance team brought back a description of the people they were to fight, they quickly grew afraid. Instead of placing their hope in God, they trusted only in their own abilities and analysis. Unwilling to venture out in faith, the entire generation, save the two spies who trusted in God, was punished.

We are often tempted to make a similar mistake:

  • We trust in our ability to discern what’s happening, instead of the God who holds the future in His hands. 
  • We rely on the wisdom and experience of others, instead of the One from Whom all wisdom comes. 
  • We place our hope in our own abilities and competence, rather than in the One who can do all things. 

In short – our hope rests solely in us, rather than in the One who alone deserves to be our confidence and strength.

This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t exercise wisdom and discernment when making decisions – we should. But it does mean that ultimately we have to look at what or Who we are placing our trust in. As much as we might consider and ponder plausible outcomes, the truth is that we will never be able to completely accurately assess what will happen if we make one decision over the other. That’s why our hope can’t be in our excellent decision-making; it must be in the One who is able to work all things for the good of those who love Him (Rom. 8:28). Our confidence can’t be dependent on our ability to make a rock-solid decision, it must be in the One who is our Rock even during the tempests and the storms.

If our hope for the future is rested in our carefully-considered analysis, then as the Israelites demonstrated, our hope is misplaced. We serve a God who specializes in doing the extraordinary. Whatever we face on the path that He has called us to walk, we can trust that although it may not be easy, He will faithfully provide. When He has clearly told us which way to go, we must faithfully follow after Him. And even when the way is uncertain and the future unclear, when the obstacles seem insurmountable and the difficulties abound, may we like the Psalmist say “For you, O Lord, are my hope.” (Ps. 71:5a)


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The Unknown Tomorrow

Like many people, I often struggle with the sin of worry. I used to tell people that I was a “champion worrier” until I realized that this was something to be ashamed of rather than proclaim. I know men worry, but it seems like it is an affliction that disproportionately targets women. I’m prone to believe that it is an evil contortion of our God-given gifts of nurture and concern. Somehow Satan convinces us that caring equates with anxiety – even the thesaurus draws parallels between the two. In reality, if we truly cared, we would be more than willing to trust our loved ones and our future to the concern of our King – who does a much better job of providing than we ever could.

As I have fought the battle against worry, one of the things that I remind myself is that I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. James 4:12-14 makes this point very clear. We should be careful in arrogantly crafting expectations for the future, because tomorrow may turn out much different than we expect. Instead of trusting in our own plans, we should seek to follow the plans of the One who holds the future, and rely on Him to bring us what we need.

This is all Scripturally sound, but I’m afraid that I often think about this in the negative. In other words, in my mind, tomorrow may be filled with doom and gloom so having expectations of future success may be misguided. This make sense because the context of the passage implies such a situation. However, recently I’ve been reminded that not only are the interruptions of our plans anticipated by us, but so are the unexpected blessings. We don’t know what tomorrow will hold in terms of the challenges we will face, but we also don’t know how God may provide in unforeseen ways. The good and the bad of tomorrow is unknown, which is why I must not trust in circumstances, but in the One controls them. He is good – and regardless of what the future holds – He is faithful through it.

In an age where we have a wealth of information at our fingertips, it can be hard to not know even know the details of the next day. But there is One who does – and His plans for our future will always be better than the ones that we can devise (Rom. 8:28).  And we may just be surprised by the unexpected ways He provides.

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