Abounding Grace

Lately, I’ve encountered numerous articles and Tweets about the “necessity”, and even the “benefit” of failing, particularly in the corporate environment. As I’ve scanned each of them, I’ve been tempted to shake my head. Although I haven’t read all the authors’ arguments, failure seems like a strange thing for which to aim. While I understand that it is possible to learn from our mistakes and that as a result we can do something on a second attempt that exceeds our expectations, getting it right on the first time seems like a much better, and less costly, option. Just because something good can be made out of something bad, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be  striving for the good first.

Unfortunately, sometimes people approach the Christian life with a similar attitude. The apostle Paul slaughtered this mindset when he wrote: “What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?” (Romans 6:1-12). In other words, in a convoluted understanding of God’s grace, some people may be tempted to accept, maybe even embrace, a failure to live according to God’s standards. Instead of a heart-felt turning from their sin with a desire to live more like Christ, people may choose to revel in their sin with the justification that it gives them the opportunity to experience more of His grace. While perhaps a tempting proposition, it reflects a poor understanding of grace, and what it means for it be at work in a believer’s life.

It doesn’t take much understanding of our world to know that sin is a part of the human condition and will be until the day that Jesus calls us home. However, the wonderful thing about God’s grace is that if it is at work in us, it is transforming us into the image of His Son (See 2 Cor. 5:17; Rom. 8:29). While that transformation won’t be complete until we are with Him in glory, embracing the mindset that we are just like everyone who is “dead in their sins” negates the truth that God has made believers “alive together with Christ” (See Eph. 2:4-5)  He has given us everything we need to live lives of godliness (2 Peter 1:3), and He expects us to use these gifts to live lives that please Him. We don’t just experience His grace when we sin (although He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins; I John 1:9); His grace abounds as we experience His transforming power in making us more like Christ. Our desire then shouldn’t be to sin more, but to live lives that increasingly conform to His Son’s (I Peter 1:13-16).

Striving for failure seems like a strange proposition for a business; it is stranger still for a follower of the Most High God. May we celebrate the glories of God’s grace – in saving us from our sins, and then in working in us to live lives more like His.

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Grace Upon Grace


When I was in high school, the wife of one of my teachers was diagnosed with a brain tumor. After an intense surgery, tumor was determined to be benign and as far as I know, she suffered little ramifications from the tragic affair. After receiving the good news, many people responded to her husband with these words, “God is faithful.” His response has stuck with me all these years later. He said, “God is always faithful. In this situation, He was especially gracious.”

It’s been an important lesson for me over the years. We are tempted to say “God is good” when we get good news, and yet forget that He is still good when it’s bad news we receive. His goodness, and His faithfulness are not determined by our circumstances. They are the essence of Who He is.

However, there are times in our lives where He pours out specific grace in difficult circumstances. We see this is in the Bible too. Yet too often we are focused on the escape from bad things that we fail to appreciate the many gracious gifts that our Savior has given.

Take Lot’s story as an example (Gen 19:1-22). When we tell this story, we tend to concentrate on two facts – that Lot escaped and that his wife turned into a pillar of salt. However, when we look at only those two things, we fail to miss the many graces that are seen. First, Lot is given safe passage even though the city has so few righteous people in it that Abraham couldn’t safely barter for its rescue (Gen. 18:22-33). In other words, even though Lot choose to set himself in the midst of hedonist and ungodly people (Gen. 13), God graciously rescued him. Beyond that, Lot made a specific request that he not have to escape to the hills (Gen 19:17-20). It’s rather audacious if you think about it, bartering for where safety would be given even though rescue had just been offered. Yet, God graciously provides his preferred place of escape as well (Gen. 19:21), giving him grace upon grace.

There are no doubts moments like this in our own lives – moments where God is beyond generous and gives us grace upon previously given graces. The question is –  are we paying attention enough to notice and do we respond with the gratitude that such generosity so obviously deserves?

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