A Muted Response

For the past 2 weeks, this blog has been silent. The reason for this is because last Monday, my father-in-law had an unexpected and completely unforeseen stroke. As you might imagine, in the midst of dealing with the medical issues and all the paperwork that extended hospital stays entails, writing a blog, while never far from my mind, has been relegated to the pile of “things I’ll get to later.” And when I finally did get to it, I had to decide whether to write about the incident or not. I decided to do so, for one very important reason; in the midst of this, God has graciously taught and reminded me of important things, and I want to share these things with you.

1. God’s graciousness has nothing to do with our worthiness – When things are going well, when we are doing the things that we know we aught, and we experience God’s grace, we sometimes act as if its disbursement makes complete sense. After all, even in our sinfulness, we find it easier to be gracious to those who we perceive as being “good.” However, just like the rain falls on the wicked and the saint, so does the sun, and God’s acts of grace are prompted solely by His love, and never by our worth.

2. The church is meant to be a community. When it acts as such, there are few things in this life more precious. – Although I’ve been a part of a church almost my entire life, never before I have understood so clearly why God formed it to be a body of believers. Upon sharing the news of my father-in-law’s stroke, we were immediately afforded encouragement and support. People we did not know were praying for us and offering assistance, and this in a situation where everything has more or less turned out o.k. (I can only imagine the response of my church in a prolonged crisis.) The abandonment of this call is probably the reason so many churches find themselves searching for direction.

3. Never underestimate the power of prayer. – We may never know how God uses the prayers of His people to bring about His purposes. Even when we don’t see the results, they have an effect. Don’t neglect it, and don’t be afraid to share with others what’s going on, so they may bring your needs before our loving Father. The work He wants to do may be in their life, as well as yours.

4. We are forced to take one day at a time in a crisis. This is good advice for every other day too. – God demonstrates His faithfulness on a daily basis. Worrying about tomorrow does no good, for His work for tomorrow has yet to be revealed.

4. Always write blogs ahead of time.  – You may never know when a crisis will hit, and you won’t be able to posts for a few weeks. 🙂

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True Ambition

In today’s world, lives are characterized by the amount of activity in them. Think about it. The last time someone asked you how you were, how long did it take for your reply to center around what you were doing, rather than the nature of your being. If you’re like most people, probably not long. We measure our lives by what fills up our calendar (or our PDA’s.)

The reasons for this may be profound, and for each of us, there might be some variations. However, the central cause may be because we’ve come to measure our lives based on what we can accomplish. We praise ambition in our children, because we think it bodes well for them in life. We look for the empolyee who completes their task, completely, and on time and is looking for the next assignment. These are good characteristics, and employers and parents rightly cultivate these in their charges. They aren’t, however, the characteristics that God looks act. Instead, He has one criteria for evaluating the Christian’s life – how much are they reflecting Christ? Is the person more like their Savior than they were yesterday? Are they seeking to demonstrate love, joy, and peace to an even greater extent. This is the ambition that He is mindful of and as His children, so should we.

It is a wonderful thing to have dreams and plans for what we want to accomplish. It’s even better to have a high view of why we are accomplishing those things. May our eyes be ever fixed on Christ – that more of Him in our life, may be the one ambition we also seek to fulfill.

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