What Remains

The practice of perseverance has long fascinated me.  Perhaps it’s because I’m the daughter and the granddaughter of Marines, but I’m drawn to the stories of endurance, of people who exhibit stick-to-itiveness even when the odds are stacked against them. My “life verse” is  James 1:12 in which the writers extols the reward for the child of God who perseveres when trials abound. I want to be the kind of person who keeps putting one foot in front of the other, even when things around me seem weighty, trusting that it’s God, and not I, who carries the load.

Despite my penchant for perseverance,  I don’t think I’ve ever fully appreciated how it relates to other aspects of the Christian faith. In reading I Corinthians 13:13, Paul writes that it is faith, hope and love that endures, not my stubborn determination.  My perseverance shouldn’t be prompted by trust in myself, but instead, by the faith, hope and love that comes from God.

Growing up, I was used to hearing I Corinthians 13:13 in the New International Version which states that faith, hope and love remain. The challenge is that it is easy to think of “what remains” as what is leftover – as what we’re stuck with after everything else is gone. However, the word used here is  really the same word that is used describe a Christian’s relationship with Christ. That word is “abide.”  In John 15:4, Jesus teaches His disciples, “Abide in me and I in you.”  In other words, if you are His child, you need to remain steadfast in Him, as He remains steadfast in you, in order that you might endure to the end. It means staying with Him, which doesn’t mean standing still. It means going where He leads; walking the path that He’s on; holding close to Him;  following in His steps.

In a similar way, faith, hope and love are not passive. They are not leftovers;  they are what lasts. And if I want to endure, they should characterize my life as well.

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My church has something that we like to call DBR or Daily Bible Reading. It’s a way for the church to read the Word together and share comments and insights via a web page. It’s a great way to be encouraged and instructed as you take part in your daily bread.

Recently, as we read through Galatians 5 a friend prayed that she would check her actions and words by whether they were “fruit-worthy.” I thought it was a great turn of phrase. After all, while we are grateful that the Spirit is faithful to bring about these things in the life of those who follow Jesus, it’s important that we are walking in the Spirit for Him to do so in us. Checking our hearts as to whether our thoughts, actions and words are in keeping with the things He desires, is a great way to ensure that our feet are following closely after Him.

Yet, this doesn’t mean that it will be easy. John 12:23-25 tells us something that we learned in science class. In nature, it’s only in death that fruit is produced. The seeds are scattered when the fruit rots and falls to the ground spreading the seeds for further production. In the same way, fruits are produced in our own life through death – death to ourselves and our own desires. This means we not only have to check our hearts and motives as to whether they are fruit-worthy, we have to put to death anything that isn’t. In order to produce the fruits of the Spirit, we have to put to death the “fruits” of the flesh. Galatians 2:20 makes this clear – if Christ is living in us, then “we” are no longer alive. We live then, not by faith in ourselves, but in the Son of God – the ultimate example of One who died to self in order to do the will of His Father.

As His followers, we must follow His example  – dying to our desires in order to do what our Father wants. It’s only as we do so that we will replicate the fruits of His Spirit. Its only in doing so that we will live a “fruit-worthy” life.


Now it’s your turn…

Why is it so hard to die to self ? How does knowing that the Spirit is at work within us encourage the Christian?

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