Joy of the Master


Most little kids like to show off. Whether it’s a new toy that they’ve acquired, a new talent that they’ve mastered, or a new skills that they’ve practiced and finally retained, they are eager to display their accomplishments to those that will watch them. In a lot of families, there is no greater audience than their parents. This is because not only do children receive applause and accolades after they are done with their performance, but because they are aware of a simple fact – when they do well, their parents are filled with joy. In other words, mom and dad’s joy is not just in watching the thrill that their child is experiencing, but they have joy in knowing that their child is growing and maturing, able to take on new tasks and difficulties. It’s not just joy experienced by proxy, but they actually have their own joy in the display of their child’s development.

In a similar way, Scripture teaches us that we can bring our Heavenly Father joy when we use the talents, resources, and gifts that He has given us in order to accomplish things for the purpose of His Kingdom. One passage that illustrates this point clearly, is the Parable of the Talents. After each servant is given responsibility for a particular amount of money, only those who used it to gain a greater investment are commended by their Master. The parallel lesson for servants of Christ is that He expects us to use what He has given us to reap eternal rewards. Our gifts, resources, and talents are not given to us simply for our own pleasure or sense of well-being; He expects us to use them in ways that will garnish a return in Eternity.

While it is amazing in and of itself that God gives us the privilege of being a part of the work that He is doing, what is even more captivating is that Scripture says that when we do so we are invited to “enter in the joy of your Master” (Mt. 25:21, 23). Much like a child experiences their parent’s joy when they display their new accomplishments, we can experience our Father’s joy as we use what He has given us to bring Him glory. We can partake of His joy, and participate in it, as He commends us for being “good and faithful servants.” We are not just witnesses of His pleasure, we are recipients of it.

For a young child, wholly dependent upon their parents, there may be nothing more motivating than seeing the pleasure that their growth and development brings to the ones who love them most. As believers, the love of the One who cared so much that He sent His only Son to be crucified on our behalf should prompt the same thing. Not only does He experience joy when we use the talents that He has given us for the purposes of Kingdom, but He invites us to enter into this joy, to celebrate with Him the work that He is accomplishing through us. And experiencing this joy should be our joy as well.

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They say that the difference between happiness and joy is that happiness is dependent upon circumstances, while joy is not.

Additionally for the Christian, Scripture tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Not only is our joy not found in circumstances but in the Creator, but by partaking of this joy, we have the strength to live the life that He has called us to do.

Yet, as every Christian knows, this doesn’t come easy.

We tend to act as if our circumstance, rather than our walk with God, dictate our actions. We behave as if poor attitudes are justified by bad experiences. We evaluate our response by the degree of happiness we have.

However, if our joy is not found in our circumstances, than by God’s grace, we have the ability to respond rightly regardless of what the situation is.

This is especially important in our relationships. Not only are our marriages intended to be a representation of Christ and His Church (Eph. 5:22-33), but Scripture makes it clear that unbelievers will know that we are His disciples based on how we love one another. If expressions of our love are predicated on our happiness, than we are no different from those who don’t have the joy of the Lord strengthening them to act according to His Word.  His Spirit, and not our situations, should control our response.

This means that how we treat our spouse can glorify God even in difficult moments. This means that our words and actions can be filled with grace regardless of the difficulty of our surroundings. His joy strengthens us to live rightly even when its tough to do so, even when the other person doesn’t “deserve” it. Because our thoughts are centered on Him, not on the circumstances.


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