Privilege of Pain

Sanctified afflictions are spiritual promotions. – John Dod

I used to tell people that God knew I needed to have a great family. From my perspective, He knew I wasn’t one of those people who would be able to overcome bad circumstances in order to give my life to follow Him. I know that in reality that this is never possible apart from the will of the Father and His gracious provisions, still it seems that some people are better equipped to rise above the mire, to put their lives in His hands, and then to be used in mighty ways for His purposes. I didn’t think I was one of those people. It meant my testimony was never as captivating as some others’ might be, but still, I was grateful to have the relative comfort of my idyllic upbringing.

Yet, as I got older I began to realize that my assessment was only looking at half the equation. After all, God allows difficult situations for those of His children that He knows can “handle it” (or that more properly, will trust in Him to handle it.) Think about it. When you think about the heroes of the faith from both modern times and from biblical ones, they are heroes because in the midst of challenging circumstances, they persevered. God allowed them to experience pain knowing that as a result He would be more glorified. And that in glorifying Him, these individuals would accomplish what they had focused their life upon – making Christ look good.  My relative comfortable circumstances was good for life on this Earth, but it was a poor investment in my eternal home.

Luke 6:22-23 demonstrates this clearly. We are to rejoice when we suffer for Christ, because just like those who have gone before, when we suffer well for Him, we receive eternal rewards. Pain, for the Christian then, is not punishment from a vengeful God, but a responsibility granted by a concerned Dad. He knows that at some point He must give His children the responsibility of spiritual adulthood, and He knows that the responsibility might cost us. However, He also knows that in the end, it’s worth it. He’s willing to grant us the privilege of earthly pain so that we may use as a means of attaining “spiritual promotions.”

Our challenge then, is to see pain in this way. That in doing so we realize that is a privilege to be counted worthy to suffer for Him.

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Washed by the Rain

Living in Southern California, you learn to be wary of the rain.

It’s not that the rain is bad – more often than not, we are in desperate need of more precipitation. However, if it rains too hard, for too long, all at once, we quickly have problems. That’s because our cities aren’t built to handle the rain. Mudslides and flooding ensue. What at first seemed like a minor inconvenience, quickly turns into a catastrophe.
The same can happen in our personal lives. The storms seem to build on top of each other and before you know it, the downpour you thought you could handle, spirals out of control. The water floods our lives.

However, as I was recently reminded by a Need to Breathe song, the same water that can cause the floods and mudslides, can wash us. In other words, God often uses the tough times in our lives to purify us, to sanctify us, and to draw us closer to Him. The rain may be overwhelming, but His grace is even more so. And it’s often during the torrent of tears that we experience this most profoundly.

The rain can sweep us away, or the rain can wash us clean. It’s in our response to the bad times that this is determined.

We can choose to let God use the pain, or we can choose to let the pain consume us.

We can choose whether to praise Him through the storm, or oppose Him because of it.

We can choose whether the storm will refine us, or whether the water will drown us.

Our response may not change whether we experience pain, but it will determine whether we draw closer to God as a result of it.

May we increasingly allow the rain to purify us, sanctify us, and make us more like Christ. May we not be awashed in it, but instead, may we be washed by the rain.


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