Wanting What God Wants


Wish lists are a time-honored tradition. Around Christmas or a child’s birthday, they delineate what gifts they want, sometimes in order of preference. More recently “bucket lists” have become like wish lists for adults. Instead of detailing what gifts they desire, it details what they want to accomplish or do in their lives.

As Christians, we know that we need to filter these lists through the “Lord-willing” paradigm. We hold these things loosely because we know that God might have other plans. However, sometimes holding them loosely may not be enough. When God plans interrupts ours, do we merely accept His plans or do we delight in wanting what He wants? In other words, are we more focused on wanting what He wants than we are on achieving our own goals and ambitions? Is He more important than our plans?

This doesn’t just pertain when what is on our lists are bad things – or even morally neutral things. Sometimes they might be very good things. We want to be married, and God says “not now” or maybe “not ever.” We want to have children (which Scripture makes clear are a blessing), yet God desires another path for us. We may want to embark on some great service or ministry, and God says “no.” All of these may be good things in and of themselves, and God may use them to accomplish great things in people’s lives, but it is up to God to decide whether they are good things for us. We must recognize that He is the standard for goodness, not only theoretically but in His provision in our lives as well. Therefore, we must not only trust Him, but learn to desire the things that He has planned over our own.

This is not easy. Nor does it mean that we shouldn’t ask God for the things that we want (See Lk. 18:1-8). It does mean, however, that in asking for what we want, we commit ahead of time to delighting in what He provides, knowing that what He has prepared for our lives is far better than what we could design.

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Controlled Power

Living in Southern California, you get used to this thing called “fire season.” Unlike typical seasons based on  the tilt of the earth’s axis, this season is shortened or elongated based on how much rain there has been, the amount of dead brush, and wind conditions.  During fire season, one has to be very cautious because as Smokey the Bear says “Only you can prevent forest fires.”

Despite Smokey’s admonition, there is another way that officials try to prevent uncontrolled blazes. This is by creating what they call a “controlled burn.” To initiate this process, they purposely set a fire and then monitor it as it burns the dead brush. The idea is that if the spots are already burned, another inferno can’t consume it. It has the same strength as the unintentional blaze, but it has the discipline to use its power in a way that is useful.

In much the same way, Proverbs 16:32 teaches us that when we control the fire of our temper, we are stronger than when we lose control of it.  As the verse states:

Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

This is a great description of what it means to be a person of “power” in God’s eyes. It’s not the one who is the loudest, who has acquired the most, or who has the most prestige – but the one who is disciplined and controlled and conducts themselves in a way that honors God.

This is not an easy thing. After all, when the blaze of anger wells within us, we want to let full vent to our fury. However, much like a controlled blaze prevents further damage, so does controlling our temper.  Appearances to the contrary, the one who “rules his spirit” is stronger than the one who can capture an entire city. When we are slow to anger, we are willing to wait to see how God works.

A controlled burn is no less a fire than an out-of-controlled blaze. Much like someone who is slow to anger, may be experiencing just as much righteous indignation as the person who is quick to display their temper. However, both a controlled anger and a disciplined spirit share one thing in common – the likelihood of unintentional consequences is greatly reduced. And there is a greater likelihood that it will be used for some good.


How have you seen God work through those that trust Him to rule their spirit?

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