Minding the Present


I’ve written before about my proclivity for planning. Perhaps I come by it naturally; my dad was a Marine and my mom a school teacher – both professions that (to do them well) require quite a bit of planning. Perhaps it was not a learned behavior but is simply the way God created me. Whatever the cause – I like agendas, to-do lists, maps, and outlines of expectations. In short – I like a plan.

There are many good things about planning. Having a to-do list helps ensure you stay on track and get the things that you want done accomplished. A map ensures that you arrive at your destination and not somewhere you didn’t intend to be. But for all their goodness, plans can also have a detrimental effect. When we plan with the expectation that we have the ability to prescribe tomorrow’s activities, we run into trouble. As James 4:14 reminds us – we do not know what tomorrow will bring. If we hold so tightly to our plans that we either  neglect to pursue what God may orchestrate for the day or we worry about making sure what we’ve orchestrated comes to pass, our plans become a hindrance and not a benefit.

George MacDonald illustrated this well when he wrote:

It has been well said that no man ever sank under the burden of the day. It is when tomorrow’s burden is added to the burden of today that the weight is more than a man can bear. Never load yourselves so, my friends. If you find yourselves so loaded, at least remember this: it is your own doing, not God’s. He begs you to leave the future to Him and mind the present.

In other words, when we are content with what God has placed before us today, we have nothing to worry about. It’s when we also take on what we think tomorrow holds that we find ourselves overwhelmed and anxious.

The solution, as MacDonald identified is simple. We are to leave the future to His concern, and concern ourselves with what He has called us to today, recognizing as Proverbs says, “The heart of man plans his way,but the Lord establishes his steps” (Prov. 16:9)

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The Un-Plan

When I was younger we had this cool soda fountain glass that was inverted.

The wide part, which would normally be at the top, was at the bottom.

The skinny part, normally the base of the cup, was at the top.

On the cup was a 7-Up logo with their then tagline underneath “The Un-Cola.”

It was a pretty effective promotion. (After all, I still remember it and my parents kept the glass for years because it was so different.) The message was clear. Just like the cup was the opposite of what was expected, 7-Up was different from the expected dark cola soft drink.

Sometimes it feels like life is a lot like that glass.

It gets turn upside down, inside out, and every other which way.

Our expectations are scattered as life hands us the unexpected.

The familiar becomes foreign.

And just like 7-Up was “The Un-Cola,” we quickly realized that our carefully planned and organized lives are anything but.

Or are they?

Because although our plans may get inverted, God’s plans are still right side up.

If we’re honest with ourselves, we’d admit that we never really know what would happen anyways, so pretending that we are somehow able to plan for it was a delusion. What matters is whether our lives, as scattered or as jumbled as they may get, are being used by Him.

And as long as we are using our lives to be poured out for His purposes, we can be confident that our lives will be the real thing* – because our lives will reflect Him.

(*I suspect that my dad would have been one of the only people who would get this play on words. For many years, Coke’s slogan was “It’s The Real Thing.” I know my daddy would have loved that I knew that, and that I inserted it into this blog.)

Now it’s your turn….

How do you respond when God’s plans are different from yours?

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