The Assent of Silence

In Regarding Henry, Harrison Ford memorably quipped to his movie daughter, “Silence is taken as assent.” (If that’s not verbatim, my apologies. It’s been years since I’ve seen the movie and a quick Google search was no help.) The title character makes this declaration in an effort to justify yet another night away from his family, a justification that in the film, he soon regrets.

Although the line may not be a good governing standard for human relationships, it does offer us some advice to heed when it comes to our relationship with God. I was reminded of this fact recently when, as I mentally griped about the rough day I was having, the soundtrack of a worship song played almost unconsciously in my mind. As I was mentally throwing myself a pity party for all that hadn’t gone as planned, my heart was singing, “Savior please rescue me.” The contrast was remarkable. It was as if my soul knew the proper response, even when my flesh didn’t.

What I recognized this duality – singing a song of adoration while bemoaning the unrealized expectations of this life – I immediately knew that the problem was that I hadn’t taken the problems I was experiencing and brought them to my Savior. I knew that instead of grumbling about what I hadn’t received, I needed to stand silently before His throne as I reminder of all that I had been given. Instead of loudly declaring the injustices I was suffering, I needed to silently assent to my Father’s will recognizing that it is His job to call the plays, it’s my job to follow. If I’m too busy talking, I won’t hear what He’s saying.

This is not to say we aren’t authentic in our prayers. I believe God wants to hear our needs, and is in fact honored when we take our requests before Him. However, so often when I pray, it’s about telling the Lord what I want, what my desires for this life are and how I think things should be. There must be times of listening too, of having our hearts silent before the Lord assenting to what He will reveal and what He has already called us to be. Times where our opinions cease and our obedience begins.

***Update**** – In God’s good providence, after writing this blog, my before-bed reading began with the following, “Deep silence leads us to realize that prayer is, above all, acceptance” – Henri Nouwen, With Open Hands. Truly, silence is assent.

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Earth, Wind and Time

I’ve always thought that I had a great belief in the power of prayer. I know in my head that God can do anything and I’ve articulated that to people who are going through pain. However, the belief in the power of prayer often falters when I’m going through my own trials. I know that I should be praying, but I often want to figure out a way out of the mess myself. I know that I need to turn to God, but I often turn to my own reasoning and “wisdom.” Prideful, yes. Effective, no.

What God has taught me in the past few days is that not only does He theoretically have power over all, He has trustworthy control over it. This was demonstrated to me in two unrelated ways. First, in a moment of stress caused by several unexpected time constraints, a new friend grabbed my hand to pray. As she prayed she stated that we knew God controlled time and so He could enable me to accomplish things that I didn’t think I had the time to do. Secondly, as Hurricane Gustav approached and time and time again I heard people asked for the destruction to be minimal, I was reminded that God controlled the storm’s path. Prayer for it to change direction was just as appropriate as prayer for its projected outcome. The interesting thing was that neither my personal storm, or Hurricane Gustav were as devastating as originally projected. And while I don’t know all of God’s reasons for changing the path of each, I do know that one of the outcomes has been a recognition that often I pray to God for the things I know I can’t do anything about – storms, sickness, and the such. But often I neglect to turn to Him in the more simple things of life like meeting my deadlines and keeping my commitments. Gustav and God have taught me that its not just the dramatic that He cares about – or in which He intervenes. Even the clock bows to His commands.

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