Free to Serve

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”  Galatians 5:13

During the Easter season, must is said about the freedom that God has granted through Christ. Those that repent and put their faith in the work of His Son, God releases from bondage in order to have a new life in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). No longer must we live as slaves to our sinful desires; no longer must our wicked hearts tempt us to act in rebellion to God’s plan (Rom. 6:5-11). Instead, we are His servants, and He is at work in us to make us more like Him. (Rom 8:29; Phil. 2:13)

However rarely is the discussion of our freedom followed by a reminder of how our freedom should prompt us to live towards others. As the passage quoted above states, we should not think of our freedom in terms of how it benefits our desires, but instead we should use it as an opportunity to serve others. Our freedom should compel us to do the work of the One who set us free, and He loved His children so much that He was willing to die a gruesome death on their behalf. If this is the magnitude of His love for them, then we should be willing to lay aside our petty desires and perceived self-rights in order to continue to put His love on display. Our freedom shouldn’t be used to make us look good, but instead, should bring glory and honor to God.

This is easy to forget in a individualistic culture where we talk of our “personal” relationship with Christ. But God’s desire is not for us alone (I Tim. 2:3-4), and the gift of freedom He has given shouldn’t be used for our purposes, but for His. And His purpose is that we would use it as a means and a motivation to love one another.

So as we contemplate the great love that our Father had for us, and the sacrifice that His Son was willing to make, as we marvel at how He conquered the grave and are filled with gratitude for the new life we have in Him, may our love for Him increase, and consequently our love for those that He loves.

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Collection Attempt

I’m tempted to think I owe myself a lot. 

In my mind, I will list all the things that I forgo and use that to justify something that I want to do.

For me, a lot of times this internal dialogue happens when I’m about to make a purchase – especially one that I know other people may question. I will mentally outline all the other little luxuries that I deny myself and thereby support my decision to spend my money all the while reminding myself of how hard I worked for that cash. It can get to the place where not only can I justify the purchase, but I can convince myself that I deserve it. After all, as I remind myself, I’ve sacrificed so much.

Scripture, however, makes it clear that while I do owe a debt, it is not to my own desires.  Romans 8:12 states this emphatically. We think we owe ourselves a lot, when in reality, we owe God a debt that we can never repay. Whatever personal sacrifice we have made, is nothing compared to the sacrifice of His Son who left Heaven in order to die a gruesome death, and then conquered death by rising in three days. Through this sacrifice He has graciously paid the debt of our sin if we repent and place our faith in Him. However, this is not so that we can go back to living for ourselves. Instead, it is His desire that we live for Him.

This means that when I make a purchase the question is not whether I deserve it. When I want to do something, it is not about all the other things that I have given up. The only issue at stake is whether it will bring glory to God. The question is whether I am walking according to His Spirit or according to my own inclinations. If it’s the latter, than the decision will never be the correct one because it’s based on a skewed perspective. My focus needs to be on His desires, not my own.

It can be hard to not tally up what we think we’re owed and try to collect. However, God has already given us far more than we can ever deserve. Instead of trying to “repay” ourselves, we should invest our lives in living for Him. 


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