No Judgment

I have a friend with whom I have a common refrain “no judgment.” It came about as way to express that whatever happened, we could always talk about it. Regardless of what choices that were made, or the consequences that would be suffered, it was my way of saying that I wouldn’t make a value assessment. I would show love and leave the judgment to someone else. As a result my friend remarked to me once that he knew regardless of what happened or what was said, we’d be friends. Even though we didn’t state it explicitly, we both knew that the choice to love trumped any unforeseen circumstance.

What works on Earth in terms of this one friendship, has application on the other side of glory too. As Christians we know that everyone will be judged. God is very clear on that. Whether its giving an account for every careless word (Matthew 12:36) or the revelation of that which was hidden (I Cor. 4:4-6) we know that there is an appointed time for each to stand before the throne and review our life deeds. Much like the defendant giving his allocution, we will have to confess that for which we should be condemned and announce our guilt.

However, there is one thing that we have that a plea-bargained defendant doesn’t. The justice that judgment demands has already been satisfied. Not only are we saved from having to undergo the punishment of our sin, Someone else has suffered on our behalf. For those of us who have grown up in the church, its sometimes easy to think to we’ve escaped punishment, but we haven’t. No condemnation doesn’t mean no consequences. Someone else has chosen to accept our condemnation instead; the punishment has still been merited out, but on the innocent rather than the guilty. We are not condemned, but the demands of justice must be satisfied.

The lack of judgment in my friendship doesn’t mean that the bonds aren’t tested when wrongs are committed. But it does mean that regardless of what happens, we have committed to remain friends. In a similar way, for those of who have accepted Christ, it doesn’t mean that He doesn’t acknowledge our acts as right or wrong, but is does mean that regardless we’re proclaimed innocent in His perfection, and holy before His throne.

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Counted Cost

I have a friend who says I think too much. Although I would like to argue with him, I know that he’s probably right. I do think too much. I’m the girl who will make back-up plans on what to do if the plans we are making fall through. I’m also the girl who will put your birthday in my calendar as soon as you tell me when it is to make sure I don’t forget it. I consider the consequences of even my hypothetical actions. It short, my friend has a very valid point. I count the costs – maybe sometimes a bit too much.

Sometimes, however, I think we approach life in the opposite way. We think we should abandon plans in order to live for the moment. Sometimes, maybe especially so, this is true in Christian circles. We hear that we need to be abandoned to Christ and that sounds an awful like we should follow Him without consideration of the consequences. And while I agree that we should follow Him regardless of the outcomes, it doesn’t mean we need to go into it with our eyes wide shut.

I recently heard a preacher share that Jesus went to the cross and didn’t even consider the cost. I don’t think that’s the case. The anguish and grief that He experienced in Gethsemane were because of the cost that He was going to pay. He knew full well that death meant separation from His Father. He anticipated the pain that our sin was going to bring upon Him. Its not that He went to the cross without considering the costs. He counted the cost – and went anyway.

I hope that in at least some small way I live my life accordingly; that I know the sacrifice that God asks of me, and I make it willingly.

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