Where the Spirit Leads


One of the challenges with the Christian life is that it is easy to be sincere about wanting to do God’s will and to at times be confused about what precisely He is calling us to do. Of course, there are some situations that aren’t like that at all; there are times when Scripture is explicit about what a child of God should do. However, in the daily course of events as we make decisions about what job we should take, who we should marry, or the school that we should enroll our kids in, the Bible contains some general principles but doesn’t provide explicit instructions that allow us to determine between two good and godly choices. We find ourselves confused and conflicted – not wanting to make the “wrong” decision but unsure what the right one is.

Oftentimes, when faced with these situations we are tempted to make the choice based on our expectations of what decision will be easier for us or will produce the greatest return in our life. It is important to remember during these times, that God doesn’t promise the Christian that His way will be the easy way. In fact, His promise is that those who follow Him will face difficulties (Jn 16:33). This doesn’t mean that we actively go looking for the path that promises the most pain and discomfort, but it does mean that we can’t avoid it either if that is the path that God wants us to walk.

When considering this, it is instructive to look at Jesus’ temptation. As you are probably familiar with, Jesus went into the wilderness and for forty days and nights He fasted. During this time, the Devil sought to prompt Him to sin. It was at the end of His time that Satan leveled the most provocative attacks – encouraging Christ to take care of His physical needs, to demonstrate His deity, and to take the “easy” route to establishing His Kingdom. Christ, in His wisdom, refuted every temptation, using the Word of God to do so. Christ made it clear that His reliance was on God the Father and He would not do anything to thwart His purposes.

It’s interesting though to look at how Jesus ended up in the wilderness. Luke 4:1 states that He was led there by the Spirit. God the Father knew what Satan would attempt while Jesus was in solitude and seclusion, yet it was still His will to send Him there. He knew that at the start of His ministry, it was important that Christ demonstrated His complete reliance on His Heavenly Father. If we were scripting it, we might have thought that Christ’s public ministry should have begun with a display of His power. God determined that it should begin with a display of His dependence.

Interestingly enough, when Jesus leaves the time of His wilderness temptation, Luke tells us that He did so “in the power of the Spirit” (Lk. 4:14). Both the start of His temptation and the start of His public ministry were directed by the Spirit’s hand. While we may be prone to rush into the latter and to avoid the other, Jesus knew that following the path that God had prepared was what was most important – whether that led wilderness temptation or to teaching in the synagogues and “being glorified by all” (Lk. 4:15). It wasn’t the easiness of the situation that determine the rightness of the call. It was based solely on God’s purpose and plan for Him.

In the same vein, next time we are faced with a situation where we aren’t sure what to do, may we not be inclined to look at what is easiest or what we most desire, but may our heart’s cry to go where the Spirit leads. May we rely on God’s direction for our life – trusting that even in the “valley of the shadows of death” He is there beside His children  – providing the comfort and the power that they need to overcome the Devil’s schemes (See Ps. 23:4). May our commitment be to serve Him and HIs purposes – regardless of the steepness of the path –  and to do so in a manner that pleases Him.

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Cease Fire


Scripture often talks about the battle that Christians will engage in while on this Earth. Perhaps the most well-known passage is in Ephesians 6:10-20 when Paul writes about putting on the armor of God in order to stand strong in God. However, this is not the only place where wartime analogies are used. In I Timothy 6:12, Timothy (and by extension, us) is exhorted to “fight the good fight.” Scripture also makes it clear that there is an enemy (Eph. 6:12, I Peter 5:8), and that this enemy seeks to destroy (John 10:10). The Christian life is far from an easy one; there is ongoing engagement as we fight to bring glory to the Lord.

All of this battle talk can leave one feeling exhausted, as can engaging in the front-line offense. While we may know that we are commanded to not grow weary of doing good (Gal. 6:9), we may wonder how long we can keep up the fight. How long can we resist the temptations of the flesh (See Mt. 6:41, Ja. 1:12)? How long can we choose to repay evil with good (I Thess. 5:15)? The battle can seem long and relentless, and we may wonder whether we can last until the end.

As we ponder this though there are at least two things that should give us encouragement. The first is that God has equipped us to do the things that He has called us to do (Eph. 2:10, 2 Tim. 3:17). In other words, if God has called us to fight, He has given us what we need in order to successfully do so. The battle may be hard and it may be long, but we do not fight alone. It is His power at work within us that enables us to be “more than conquerors” (Rom. 8:37). If we are fighting in our own strength, we are likely to fail. If we are fighting in His, we can have confidence of the victory that awaits.

Secondly, we must engage in the fight with the knowledge that a cease fire is coming. There will be no enemy in Heaven (See Rev. 12:12) , just like there will be no pain and no tears (See Rev. 21:4). The fight will be over. We will no longer struggle with the things of this world, but our entire lives will be focused on that which they were created for – bringing glory to our God and King. In addition, we can, and should, engage vigorously in the battle now, because we know that one day the fight will cease – and the whole Earth will be surrendered to its Creator.

Therefore, the question that penetrates our hearts shouldn’t be “how long will the battle last?” as we know that war will no longer be waged. Instead, it should be “will I fight faithfully today?; will I persevere knowing that one day that battle will be over?”

May we resolve in our hearts to daily answer “yes.”

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