No Time Off

“A reckless car ran out of gas before it came by way” – Amy Grant, “Angels Watching Over Me”

If you’ve been a Christian for any length of time, you’ve undoubtedly experienced times in your walk that have felt static. These can sneak up on us unaware, or they can be the result of a particular time in our journey coming to an end. There is little comfort in understanding the reason why when we feel grounded in the mire. Like a traveler emerged in quicksand, we can see the point that we wish to get to, we just can’t seem to get there.

And while there may be little comfort in understanding the reasons why, there is comfort in this – even when we don’t understand how God is at work, we can rest assured that He is. God doesn’t vacation, He isn’t closed for the holidays, and He never calls in sick. He is continuously working for His good pleasure, both in our lives and in the lives of others who follow Him (See Romans 8:28). When we feel a lack of God’s hands on our lives, it isn’t because He has forgotten about us. Instead, He is arranging things, preparing us for the next step He wants us to take. We may feel His conviction, hear His call, or feel His love at specific moments in time, but that’s not the only times where He is employed in furthering His kingdom through us. He is always working.

Practically this means that we can be confident that as we follow Him, He is leading. Even when it feels like we aren’t going anywhere, He is still journeying with us. Like a guide that has walked the road before, He is simply preparing the path that He wants us to take.

So the next time you feel like God’s calling on your life is unclear, or the steps He wants you to are a mystery, stand firm knowing that you shouldn’t abandon the call on your life, because He certainly hasn’t.

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The New Blessing

A recent conversation with a colleague we touched on a topic that is often mentioned, but perhaps rarely discussed. The topic was evangelism, or more specifically the manner in which Christ is presented to non-believers. As my colleague stated (and as my pastor often shares) a lot of evangelism efforts these days start with the fact that God is the solution to your problems. While, ultimately this is true if the problem you are talking about is sin, that’s not the place most people start. Usually, there’s a Earthly circumstance that is not the way we would like it to be – a broken marriage, a ill relative, a tough economic situation – and God is presented as a way to make you feel better about what’s wrong in your life. In other words, God isn’t meaningful to your life because He is the Creator of you and is the reason for your existence, He is simply important in that He has the power to change your temporal circumstance. If another solution can also change what’s wrong with your life, than well that’s just as good. The altogether-differentness (i.e. His holiness) is more of an after-thought rather than the reason why our lives should be centered around praising Him, and the reason we need Him to save us.

The problem with this approach is that not only does it lead to a misunderstood view of what a right response to God looks like (our whole life offered to Him for His purpose) it also misunderstands what God is up to in the life of His people. In discussing Christ’s promises, B.B. Warfield writes “prosperity is the blessing of the Old Testament, adversity of the New.” In other words, before God sent His Son to the Earth to be a living sacrifice for our sins, He demonstrated His pleasure, His closeness, with His people through material possessions. This is why many of the Proverbs extol the virtues of the rich man. In His Son’s descent, however, He provided the greatest gift He ever could. Therefore, His promises His church not a good life here on Earth, but trials, persecutions, and situations that will refine them to make them more like Him (see John 16:33, John 15:20, James 1:2-4). We present Christ as a way to make this life better, and He is, but only in so much as He changes our focus from the temporal life to the eternal. His blessing is that through the trials of this world, we are better prepared to enjoy what’s in the next – His presence, everlasting.

God’s still blessing His people, but oftentimes is not in the way we would imagine. How have you experienced God’s new blessing? May we, like the apostles, rejoice when we are found worthy to suffer for His name (Acts 5:41).

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