Pain & Praise

In Christian circles there is a lot of talk about “giving God everything.” Jesus made it clear that being His followers meant abandoning all rights to “my” in order to receive “His” (Mt. 16:24). It’s not an easy task and this side of eternity we will have to be constantly saying “no” to ourselves in order to say “yes” to Him.

It is often instructive, though, to think about those things that we easily give to God, and to think about those things that we hold back. We may easily turn over 95% of our lives, and yet want to hold 5% for ourselves. This was the struggle of the rich young ruler (Mt. 19:16-30). He was willing to sacrificially obey the commands of God, but not part with his wealth. Being a Christian means giving it all to Christ, and daily living in the truth of that relinquishment.

What we may not remember though is that when God says He wants it all, what He means is that He wants it all – the triumphs and the struggles, the joys and the sorrows, the healing and the hurts. As a song [affiliate link] recorded by Enfield and written by Ryan Foglesong states “In season of sorrow and blessing I give you my pain and my praise.”  We tend to want to give God one or the other. We turn to Him only when things are bad, when it’s obvious (to us) that we need His help. Or we think that we get things in order for ourselves, before we can turn to Him – we wait until things are good so that we can present Him our futile gifts. But Jesus doesn’t just want the good times, and He doesn’t just want the bad. He wants it all. In season and out of season – He wants you, His child, simply to be His.

It’s sorrowfully ironic that in an age where we “just want to be wanted” the King of Kings desires us, yet we hold back. And the reason we do so is that at some level we don’t trust Him. We don’t give Him our all, because we’re afraid of what relinquishing that control means. Yet, time and time again, He’s proven faithful and true. He’s demonstrated that He works in the good and the bad. He’s shown that He wants our pain and our praise.

If only we would give it to Him.


Share your thoughts – is it easier to give God our pain or our praise? Why do you think that is?

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Recycled Pain

In California, recycling is just part of our culture. We have separate trash cans that the sanitation department provides for us to divide our recyclables from our other refuse. Sometimes, even when we don’t have the separate bins, the trash department separates our garbage for us. In elementary school, children learn the importance of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” We are well educated about the importance of taking something that had one purpose, and using it again to accomplish something else.

Scripture, however, is filled with a different type of recycling. Throughout God’s Word we see how our Lord uses what was intended for evil, in order to bring about His good. Joseph’s brothers thought they were punishing him; God used it to save nations. Moses’ mother thought she was losing her son; God used him to lead His people out of slavery. Job had everything taken from him, only to be given more. God doesn’t just use pain to teach us things, He recycles it for a greater purpose.

This doesn’t mean that the pain doesn’t hurt, that the trials aren’t hard, or that the sadness isn’t real. It does mean that we can trust that in His time, God is using those things to bring us to the experience of His goodness. He doesn’t waste anything that happens to us. He’s transforming it in His time for His purpose. It’s the ultimate example of reduce, reuse, recycle – He’s reducing our pain by protecting us and comforting us, He’s reusing our pain to teach us something about Himself, and He’s recycling it to bring about something good.

Just like we aren’t the only ones who benefit when we recycle our waste, our recycled trials often have a multiplied effect – bringing good not only in our lives but also in the lives of others. And if we are willing to let God use our trials in this way, we can rest in the confidence that from His eternal perspective, whatever temporary loss we experience, is worth it so that our trials can be redeemed by His plan.

Share your story…how has God recycled pain in your life?


The title of this post was inspired by the beautiful song “He’s Always Been Faithful” by Sara Groves [affiliate link].

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