On Deposit

My husband works in a bank. Part of his job is to help potential customers see how his bank might be able to serve their needs better than their current bank. It’s not an easy proposition. After all, the customers have a relationship with their current bank. They know and presumably like their current financial provider. Not only that, but their current bank literally has control over some of the business’ assets. There is a dependency there and it’s a hard bond to break.

As Christians, we also have been entrusted with a deposit. According to 2 Timothy 1:14, our deposit is the Gospel message which we have heard. The fact that this message has been given to us should strengthen our resolve to hold fast to the One Who’s message it is. In other words, just like a customer and a bank are inextricably bonded when the customer gives the bank some money to hold on to, because Christ has given us His message of salvation, we should more fully grasp on to Him.

The wonderful thing about this verse in 2 Timothy is that right before it, Paul is writing about all the suffering he has had to endure. Paul demonstrates to us that the reason he is able to suffer well is because of the fact that Christ entrusted him with the salvation message. It’s because of the Gospel that Paul knows that his suffering is not in vain. It’s because of the Gospel that Paul knows that the work he does here on Earth can have an eternal reward. And it’s because of the Gospel that Paul knows his suffering is temporary but his salvation is secured.

So it should be for us. We should suffer well, work hard, and proceed with confidence because we too have been entrusted with the Good News of Christ.

(And as a side note, we should recognize that when banks take a deposit from one customer then often turn it into a loan for someone else. May we similarly share the deposit that we’ve been given so that we can bless others and receive eternal returns.)

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A Worthy Manner

Every semester I end my classes with a verse and an exhortation that my students may more fully live for Christ. This is one such message.

Philippians 1:27-30 says:

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel 28without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God. For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him, since you are going through the same struggle you saw I had, and now hear that I still have.

One of my prayers for you is that this verse would be true of you. That wherever God leads you that you would “conduct yourselves in a manner that is worthy of the Gospel.”

You have been given many blessings.

One of which is that you get to go to a school where you not only hear the Gospel message but that you are encouraged to grow in your faith.

Live a life that is worthy of that Gospel.

As Spiderman’s uncle told him “With great power, comes great responsibility.” You have been given this awesome opportunity to know the power of the Gospel and to allow it to penetrate your life. You are now to live a life that is worthy of such an opportunity. Do not waste it.

The later verses tell us that that this won’t be easy. Paul knew that the early Church would suffer, and in the same way, Jesus has promised that we will suffer. As Scripture says, “In this world you will have trouble.” (John 16:33) Going out from here, with all your hopes and dreams, you need to know that there will be times when life will be difficult. The challenge is that even during those difficult times –  live a life worthy of the Gospel.

Suffer in such a way, that through your suffering you are bringing glory, honor and praise to Christ. When you suffer, when things are tough and people know that, people are watching to see how you will respond. Continue to give God glory. Knowing that in suffering well, you can point others to Christ.

I hope and pray that you are successful in this world, in whatever area that God guides your step. But beyond that, I know that the only things that really matter in this life, are those that also matter in the next so my prayer is that you are a success in God’s kingdom.

Live a life that’s worthy of the riches of heaven, regardless what may come your way, so that you will not only hear “well done” here on Earth, but you will hear it from our Father’s mouth as well.

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